Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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It went Meth -> Pills -> Heroin -> Meth

Once they knocked out all the big pill mills, everyone switched to heroin, and thats seemed to have dried back up. Now where back to seeing a lot of people with meth mouth and the shakes again.
Before I closed on this place, I called and talked directly to the Sherrif and flat out asked him about any Meth problem. I told him I didn't feel like shooting someone over stupid stuff!
I know that sorta shocked/startled him. I told him my place will be posted and registered, registered is key, and anyone that comes on to my property better be a close personal friend or someone with a warrant. Anyone else would be shot dead, especially at night! I said that for impact and to send a message.
Naturally, it would have to be pretty serious for me to use lethal force. I'm not that heartless......yet!:eyebrows::crying:
And said rando has a chance to glimps your car and/or plate.....NO, ABSOLUTLY NOT....a plan is made, you stick to the plan until you absolutly far as I'm concerned ( as long as nothing goes wrong this time ) this "friend" is on their own from now on.

Yeah, thats what I told my wife. She's on her own after this. I don't like being taken advantage of. It would have been one thing if she'd asked ahead of time. She didn't, which only makes it look even shadier.
My dad will drive around with a one hitter in his cup holder and a bag of weed in his pocket. I'm like...dude. You don't have a medical card, and even if you did, its illegal to smoke it in Ohio even with a med card.
Ohio decriminalized possession up to 100 Grams.. Whether it's in your pocket or in your basement.
Yeah, thats what I told my wife. She's on her own after this. I don't like being taken advantage of. It would have been one thing if she'd asked ahead of time. She didn't, which only makes it look even shadier.
Naw, I got a 15 min. trip up to my local when one of my clients wants anything. It's always a straight there, it's delivered, it's not my one comes to my house, I don't stop for any extraneous BS or anything till that job is done.....then I'll run to the grocery store or DG or whatever..make a plan, stick to the plan.
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