Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Naw, I got a 15 min. trip up to my local when one of my clients wants anything. It's always a straight there, it's delivered, it's not my one comes to my house, I don't stop for any extraneous BS or anything till that job is done.....then I'll run to the grocery store or DG or whatever..make a plan, stick to the plan.
Always stick to the plan. If I have no product when coming back, I really have to take advantage of the closeness of grow store supplies, but always on the return. Even though a stop, based on the area you're coming from, is in case law as illegal and against the Constitution, I have no doubt there are LEOs doing just that.
Going last, only lets me push the issue ,if I do get pulled over by some strange Chance after leaving the grow store. Tyrants hold a lotta cards they can try to pull. Sometimes Knowing the law very well, will get you nowhere with a determined tyrant. But you do stand a much better chance if you do.
If you find yourself in a situation that you don't know exactly what you need to do and say, it's best just to STFU. You can't be forced to speak. At least not today, maybe when I was a kid, it happened quite often.
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