Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Exactly. My guess it was shake and they got swindled, or they were hiding something.
My bro in law got 1/4lb of some similar shit here! I think what it really is is the leftover garbage from commercial places that do machine trimming! Wind up with big ass bags of leaf bits and shake that u could obv then sell to dum-dums that don’t know any better! :haha::crying:
I hate being the only white guy in a meeting full of Indians. They all start talking super fast and doing that head bobble thing, and I have to be super careful to not start bobbling too, because its so easy to do when you see them doing it.
As long as they don't start talking about Slurpee machines I could deal with it.
All the other guys at work keep a pistol under the seat of their trucks... I got a flail :biggrin:
I typed more than this but i don't know where it went :crying: :bong:
I meant to say i got a few bayonets and swords still. Got rid of all my guns. Cept one just to have at the house. Knives swords tomahawks bows spear
I hear you. I already have a hole in my heart where my plant was. Don't get me wrong, I have trim jail to look forward to. I just wish I could pop another bean or 3, but I'll have to wait until Summer when we get back from vacation.

I can still Hear her Crying...............

My new 2 x 4 grow tent is here. ✌️😎

It’s going to be my new climate controlled dry room I will get AC infinity controller 69, and make sure it’s programmed to slow dry and maintain numbers. Nothing secret though. 62-60% RH and between 65-70 range on temps. Of course with good air flow.

The good news is, the dry room tent will be in the basement section where the temp and humidity are nearly spot on already.

I also have an app to monitor it all anyway on the phone!


I will set it up later. Still don’t have the controller yet anyway.

Hope you are all having a wonderful day ✌️☮️‼️
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