Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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wow - amazing, there are some grand birds - near the tree house I have Vultures and Eagles, really amazing to sit and watch - oh to be Attenborough :bow:

Practice makes Perfect.....maybe you could fund early retirement showing vids...........:yeah:.....

We have a lot of Herons...they each seem to have a patch on the irrigation you see a lot of Individuals..
but one twilight we were driving out to town...and there were about 12 of them...all standing like soldiers....and as we passed..they all turned and watched us.........
Gawd...I was spooked to was like something outta Harry Potter....:crying:....
That was a February grow
very nice - some loverly colours there, assuming from the colder temps, but that is the way forwards, multiple crops per year, no faffing around and at 14euro a pop

winner winner :headbang:

was going to be an earthquake
I suppose you do get some minor quakes over there....have you been in a house wobbler?

alternatively, what you were smoking must have been mighty fine :pass:
There are some pretty good bottled tomato sauces out there, They are usually missing garlic, meat or wine so you can doctor them up pretty fast.
Yup..I mostly use Prego as a base cause I find it less acidic and doctor the living hell out of it then slow heat up for an hour or 3.
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