Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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dont mind the fried plant in the corner.
Ive got a couple myself! ;)

At least WDA still making some nice plump buds! Think its too close to finish to topdress again and pots are too small to topwater on top of blumats! The 10gal can hold the extra if i topwater in food!
And the Press seems to know the difference in terms of yield in most cases...
I am getting 18% - 20% return on my hydroponic bud.

My damn fungus gnats just wont die so had to order predator mites! Unfortunately its a 6 day processing time on them! :cuss:
A Mosquito Bit Quick Kill, and Nematode combo seems to do the trick for me. Works nearly every time. The only real struggle is keeping the Environmental Factor Nematode pouches saturated for a few days.. Germ and sprout is really the ideal time to get them established as they can reproduce, and one treatment can last the whole grow cycle. :thumbsup:

Usually does for me to but this goddamn miracle grow soil is cursed! :yoinks::crying:

Def gonna reuse it tho once i get the bugs gone cuz them mites will keep them gone as long as i keep the soil in use!
Once you get the nematodes established in your soil keep it moist and they will live a long and useful life. Then each time you start a new pot of soil move some of the old soil to the new pot.

@N/A-Greengo There may be "House" flavors in anything you grow. I know this from farming and growing pot in a corn field but to make a blanket claim that your organic is better than my hydroponic simply because it is organic is not proven and too subjective. What would need to be done is to grow some plants from the same strain and have them tested at a lab. I am willing if you are.
well damn it... my new enail and 90 micron bags were shipped to the wrong address and that address don't exist lol for some reason 7 house numbers above me they skipped that number that i typo'd on my shipping address :face: we have a HOA style community mail box per street and i see a key missing where usps put my package in the mailbox but.. no1 has that mailbox number because it don't exist so goodluck getting the key for the package box lolol now i have to hope the post office can help me or i'm gonna have to camp out the mailbox tomorrow and explain to the mail person my issue

fingers crossed!
same here SS buds are pretty dense...

Dabs of banana bread and sweet bourbon kush have me baked eyes burning can't stay awake night everyone :headbang: :dizzy:... P.S. it may also have been the new batch of brownies the wife made she doubled up on the pucks :baked::snooze:
NICE! How many used pucks for 2 cups of butter do you use?
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