Morning news at WildBill's place:
Got 5 with tail almost showing, one nothing but sunk, and one still floating, but reluctantly sank after vigorous shaking. Gotta keep my eye on that one.
Guys are here to take down the trees!!!!!!!!!
They're not taking them all the way down for some reason and leaving about 20ft. Thatgood with me. It's about $3500 worth of work and they're shredding everything. If I could get some GOOD chicken litter from organically fed chickens, I'd ask to keep it all. Chipped pine won't pack down for a very long time. I'd probably just let it basically cold compost. Should be a quite fungal compost. Sadly, no good source.
They guy that's supervising the job agrees with me that the third tree should be take down also. He's got orders.
Gotta find the cash for the third!