Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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That is my thoughts exactly if you watch that video I shared earlier bugbee says that synthetic nutes and organic nutes break down to the exact same elements… so what is the difference? :shrug: Also from my understanding the plant will only pick a take what it wants with the exception of nitrogen it will keep picking up and storing whether it wants to or not
Difference is all the different reactions in the soil give dif flavor dif feed dif flavor. Where grapes are grown imparts taste for wine depending on minerals soil content. Etc. So you and I won't have the same bud exactly even with the same clone because we have different feeds. I can tell the end of a dab smells like the grow store like if you hit reclaim because they are using all of those bottles. You will never get the same results with synthetic unless you have stuff replicate everything going on in soil which soil isn't sterile for one. But @Death The Cultivator tells me they are getting closer. He likes synthetics
In other words it's way more than npk that determine quality of end result so even if it is the same nitrogen potash and phosphorus synthetic vs organic way more goes into highest resin count more flavor etc than npk
Not that organic vs non organic means much…..more of an ideological argument, at best from my perspective.
Well said.

People should grow how they want that works with their budget, the end result is the same, we all get high :smoking:
In other words it's way more than npk that determine quality of end result so even if it is the same nitrogen potash and phosphorus synthetic vs organic way more goes into highest resin count more flavor etc than npk
Very difficult for me to differentiate well grown organic vs nonorganic flower. Grow it well, and they will come:rofl:
Find your method and refine it. I’m a dirt girl, organic for simplicity.
In other words it's way more than npk that determine quality of end result so even if it is the same nitrogen potash and phosphorus synthetic vs organic way more goes into highest resin count more flavor etc than npk
Nothing beats properly grown organic .
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