Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Since transpiration occurs at a higher rate during lights on, I felt that was enough to do my watering at lights on......even in EBs.
I don't add water to the rez without a dry rez period, so watering on top of my nute bank to feed or water in the rez at first light, just go together.
It seems with these extra tall grow bags (that I added the goretex liners into), they just don't dry enough in 24 hours to water again, I am also using 20-30% less water each watering.

I was a chronic over waterer during the beginning of my indoor growing and it has been a real accomplishment to have learned less is more...LOL
I read my plants a good night story every night at 8pm after I brush their teeth.


Then when they wake up in the morning, I water them with pure virgin tears

I only use tears collected from native virgins living in the brazillian tropical rainforest. I try to support fair trade virgin tears as much as possible. And I'm not sexist, little boy tears work just as well.

Finally, after our daily root massage I take my plants to the local library for the Drag Queen Story Hour.

Did you know that "virgin blood" doesn't actually mean blood from a virgin, but blood that hasn't been used in a ritual yet?
:woohoo: is now working, woot! :yay: c'mon in kidz, the water'z fine :hula: ppp
Yeah it flipped automatically and made me log in again. I did get the https safety warning but I just bypassed that. Looks like there's gonna be some formatting stuff that has to get fixed again, at least through the app.
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