Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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You add humic every watering? and no kelp? I do both once a week in both setups
Every watering All water used for the girls.
I try to refrain of adding 'nutes' to my rez water. I add Thorvin kelp to my compost tea mix and use that when I top dress or if I have to add liquid nutes in flower. I use the tea for my water when adding the needed nutes and top water spraying AFTER a dry period. Spray in cycles to let it soak in slowly without flushing any nutes into the rez. I usually wait 12hrs or so before filling the rez to give it time to soak up any I might have washed in the rez.

Note: I don't consider various ferments as 'nutes'.....some ferments yes. FFJ, FPJ and the fish ferment......I'm high AF and can't remember the acronym....... I consider nutes. I would only add them to the rez as a last resort if the plant was in trouble. And only what it was drinking in 24hrs
I have other ferments that I do use in the rez. EM1, fermented insect frass, for immune response, ferments alfalfa......borderline nute in my mind.
I consider it a 'nute' if it has a direct nutritional value to the plant and not mainly an enhancement of/supportive to the micro-biome.
It is possible to 'burn' your EB girl if you have a too high nute content in the rez and you have the VPD dialed up with her raging in stretch. She's been relying on that clean water in the rez for a large part of the make up for VPD driven transpiration. She has to take up the water and the nutes come along.
'Nutes' in the rez can start an out of hand microbe bloom, when that happens, the feeding causes a rapid pH drop and will quickly kill your girl if not caught quick enough.

I try to base that on science. That above post is why I just love this method!

I gotta get a little more 'adjusted'. Got a GTA playlist to do wif muh crew in 30!
This is the new desktop grow light. The 5 light bars had
Vent holes drilled thru and then one end tapped for a 6mm screw. Then the end bar had 5 holes drilled thru the center to tighten the screws in the end of the light bars, the pics may explain it better, I b a stoner.
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Hydrophobic (as opposed to say hydrophilic) would imply it doesn't mix well with water at least that's what I was taught. How do you apply it??
No clue I think thats how its made! Def mixes with water lmao!
Got my new bubbler in the mail from dankstop. IDK, the end of it feels a little gay. Like, its like a trumpet mouth, and you gotta press your lips into it, LOL.

Watched some movie with Bradly Cooper playing a chef on netflix, and then spent some more time on my veggies.
Culled all the multiples in each net pot, and played a little god and killed off one of my super sweet 100s in favor of a second black krim. And I put together a kratky jar with some thai basil in it for a friend of mine.

Edit - just to make it clear, I did NOT combine the new bubbler with the Bradly Cooper movie. Totally separate. Never together.
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