Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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You'll know how kinky it is by the gift shop :toke::crying:

Dude. Ok, that explains a weird memory when I was a kid.

There is this old hotel resort place in Cincinnati that has indoor pools, and they also have themed jacuzzi rooms.

We stayed one night in the winter so we could swim in the indoor pool, and I remember being told very sternly to stay out of the front office.
You'll know how kinky it is by the gift shop :toke::crying:
I feel like the fact of the place having a "kids center" where you can drop them off for activities (aka vacation daycare) is probably a good indicator as well. Not me over here thinking about all the time my brother and I spent in vacation daycare in the 90s 🤮 it was really fun though lmfao
Damn! My 12yo will be 13 in May and his Dr said no signs yet, which is fine by me lol. He's half an inch short of 5' as of the 1st. My brother shot up 10 or more inches the summer between 7th and 8th grade so I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop. I'm 5'8" and the boys' bio dad is just under 6', but my dad and brother are both 6'4" and my sister is just a hair shorter than my brother. I'm gonna assume they're both going to be decently tall. I can't remember how tall #3s bio dad is, I think he was around my height, but I know his sister was barely 5' so time will tell with her. She's lanky though, all legs like me so she may end up being fairly tall. I'm hoping for her sake she stays in the 5'6"-5'8" range just because that's like the "ideal" height for ballet and as of right now that's what she wants to do with her life lol.

Both my wife and I hit puberty early. I was 6' in 6th grade. Which is funny, because my girls are far and above the tallest in their classes.
I feel like the fact of the place having a "kids center" where you can drop them off for activities (aka vacation daycare) is probably a good indicator as well. Not me over here thinking about all the time my brother and I spent in vacation daycare in the 90s 🤮 it was really fun though lmfao
We went on a cruise in the Bahamas when I was 8 and my brother was 5, we went to the kids stuff every day lmao. They had a talent show at the end of it and my brother got up in front of everyone in the ships theater and sang his rendition of "the thunder rolls." My parents had no idea he was performing so they didn't bring their camcorder... so that memory lives solely in our heads lmfao.
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U can also just click that! ;)
Both my wife and I hit puberty early. I was 6' in 6th grade. Which is funny, because my girls are far and above the tallest in their classes.
I hit puberty before a lot of my "friends", I was 13 with a full C cup and was bullied relentlessly by boobless classmates who swore I stuffed my bra lmfao. Should have flashed them but I was too shy for something like that back then 🤣🤣🤣
I hit puberty before a lot of my "friends", I was 13 with a full C cup and was bullied relentlessly by boobless classmates who swore I stuffed my bra lmfao. Should have flashed them but I was too shy for something like that back then 🤣🤣🤣

Yeah...both of my girls are very tall and one is about 30lbs heavier and getting quite stocky. I mean, not fat. But she's a solid girl. I always tell her she's thick like a bowl of oatmeal.
I hit puberty before a lot of my "friends", I was 13 with a full C cup and was bullied relentlessly by boobless classmates who swore I stuffed my bra lmfao. Should have flashed them but I was too shy for something like that back then 🤣🤣🤣
I was the 12 year old who could buy cigarettes and the 16 year old who could buy beer. I've been an ape since way back :crying:
One more hour till I can leave. I hate this "waiting mode" crap. I could very easily be doing something else rn but my brain says I can't cause I'll lose track of time (even though I've got an alarm set) and somehow forget to get her 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ which is absolutely ridiculous but that's my brain for ya.
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