Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Gonna try a pic one more time

she had said no large updates in the back and out here BUT she never said anything about it being a multi step process over the coarse of days :nono:
No I remember her talking about an update but don’t remember anything prior to 420 sayin it about not uploading pics n stuff! If it was a really long post i coulda skimmed over it and missed it but didn’t recall her saying that! I smoke a lot of weed tho so my memory isn’t the best….nor is my attention span hence my method of speed reading long posts! ;) :rofl:
Good Morfnoevight All you Happy Caturday Live Stoners!
a cool cat.png
Farm market was good today and scored some more Lion's Mane Shrooms. So I had mushrooms and shrimp for breky.


I really have no clue but would assume they chose argon because it's an insert gas. If that's the case they may be trying to avoid oxygen since it is a strong oxidizing agent so just maybe it messes with the terpees (and other stuff).
But in the lab rather than use argon we choose cheaper options to good effect like say nitrogen.
Plus you'd have to really seal those (jars or whatever) pretty damn air tight such that over long term storage there zero exchange of gases OR build a dry type dessicator that allows a small flow of whatever gas such that it creates a tiny positive pressure to keep O2 out.
Don't know just thinking out loud......
@Kirka88 you actually need oxygen in the cure process to break down the chlorophyll and enhance the terpenes. This is why you need to "Burp" the jars.
In order for the gnat eggs in the soil to hydrate, grow and hatch into larvae(that the nematodes and bTi can eradicate) the soil must be wet, freshly watered. What I do is make up the pots with soil at least 2 weeks in advance of planting seeds/seedlings, allowing enough time for the eggs to hatch, about 1 week, and then apply the nematodes and bTi. That should prophylactically address any fungus gnat issue you could have had from infested soil. Without any larvae in the soil the nematodes will die off.

Some beneficial nematodes can remain effective in soil for up to 2 years, the strain Steinernema feltiae that is used for fungus gnats should remain effective for 18 months. They can go dormant in soil that is too dry but it is much better to keep the soil moist.

Thank for the kind words of encouragement!!:bighug::headbang:
Yes I did see it, it is mostly suited to "side growers", like oyster mushrooms.
You need proper ventilation to the outdoors, as oyster mushrooms produce insane amounts of spores, which can be hazardous to health.
Breathing in tons of spores at goo for you! A respirator is a must when mushroom farming, when they are fruiting and near to harvest.
For those who haven't see Laundry Basket Tek here's some pics!
BTW any slighlty different way of growing mushroom is called a "Tek" slang for technique.
It does my head in, imagine if it was the same way with growing canna, we would call Fimming "Fimming Tek" or low stress training, would be "LST Tek" But it is what it is and none of my irascible grousing is gonna change that!:crying:

First Oyster mushrooms Spores
View attachment 1570472
Oyster mushroom spores dangling from the fruits.
Their spores are produce in such numbers they can clog extraction fans in not correctly sized and cause burn out of the fan motor!
So you really don;'t want to breathing them in, or you may eand as one of the shroom zombies in "The Las of US"!
View attachment 1570473
Mushroom Zombie from "The Last of Us"! Don't worry it is total Sci-Fi nonsense and isn't possible. Our bodies are too complex, unlike ants and caterpillars, which can succumb to cordyceps infestation.

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Cordyceps fungus in caterpillars
The caterpillar fungus, Ophiocordyceps sinensis, is the world's most valuable parasite. It's a relative of the tropical fungus that turns ants into zombies, but unlike its infamous cousin, it is found only on the Tibetan plateau, where it infects the larvae of ghost moths

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Cordyceps fungus in ants

Laundry Basket Tek
View attachment 1570478View attachment 1570479
This Tek, is suited to "Side Growing" mushrooms, such as oyster mushrooms , as opposed to "Top Growers" such as button mushrooms.
@arty zan I grew some lion's mane and once they started fruiting they were surprisingly durable and fruited outdoors where i just tossed the clump of spent media.

No I remember her talking about an update but don’t remember anything prior to 420 sayin it about not uploading pics n stuff! If it was a really long post i coulda skimmed over it and missed it but didn’t recall her saying that! I smoke a lot of weed tho so my memory isn’t the best….nor is my attention span hence my method of speed reading long posts! ;) :rofl:

Yeah that kind of came out of left field but answered my question of why there wasn't new themes or new look to the site cause it's not over yet:doh: :crying:

as I come in here to say that and MOG posted pic and mossy posted vids earlier what's good for the goose is good for the gander:toke: :cuss::WTF:
Went to Rural king to get the batteries I needed today, and stopped at an Italian place for lunch. Everyone has left overs for dinner! Thats kind of became a weekend thing for us to go out for lunch and then save half of our meals for dinner. Ever since my wife had stomach stapling surgery, we both eat pretty small portions. And the kids are just big enough now to order adult meals but rarely finish them.

So I've got half a hoagie and a bunch of saratoga chips sitting in my fridge calling my name.
I've just had it straight from @wwwillie ....there is no problem loading photos etc.......

Although Server update it is not over....he hasn't done the Final we are okay.

Don't go Nuts though....worst case senario is that info posted will be Lost.....:shrug:...that is no probs for stuff such as music vids etc.
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