Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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I saw the invite last night but hubby had taken over when he got home wanting to do my story mode races even though I just wanted to play through the main quest lol. Should have some time tonight though since it's Friday and he'll be at work later. Idk why I get so weird about playing online with him watching, I'm the same way about streaming, I think I just feel dumb and self conscious being on coms with people in the room lmao.
We have sales to do tonight! 3 acid sales and two nightclubs. Most of the time it's 9-9:30 eastern when we normally play. We'll put ya in character god mode and let ya use one of our god mode vehicles or ride with someone in one. As a passenger, you'll have auto targeting on players on foot, motorcycles(Oppressor included) and convertibles. That's on the nightclub sales. On Acid sales, you'll have to ride a motorcycle, but I don't think they can auto target the vehicle with explosive rockets, but explosive cannon fire can blow up the bike. Just keep moving in the general direction of your delivery spot. No need to follow the GPS in most cases and it's best to go cross-country when ya can.
D-rocks is the only one that 'needs' the money. All the other work is just for pure fun. So don't sweat a damn thing! It's fully intended to be NOTHING BUT pure fun!!!:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:

Jebus! I think Knows Candy just rescued my ass!!!:eyebrows::eyebrows::rofl::rofl:
The combo o canna coffee and rosin, had me damn buzzed, but not alert. KC has me ROCKING!!!!!! I'm HIGH AF, but pretty damn focused. Nice ass head high!!
She made me 8 zips of frosty bud and I'm happy with that. Oh what will the cured will be like!!!:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows:
Bad munchies though. I'm havin breakfast ....................again! Good old bacon n eggs!
I have to disagree with some of that.
The object is to extract the good stuff and leave the bad stuff behind. The bad stuff is chlorophyl, waxes and lipids. You do not want that foul ass crap in your extract, period. Alcohol is a polar solvent and will dissolve what we want and also all the other crap so we need to devise ways to keep what we want and loose the rest. Then there's heat too much and we loose terpenes.
To keep out water soluble stuff we go cold, colder the better, dry ice is best, but freezer works too. Get that stuff in there and keep it there for 48 hours. Don't chop it up! Break it up gently. Think that if the more you break it / chop up the more chlorophyl and nasties get exposed to the solvent. All we really want are the trichomes and they are on the outside so why chop??? So now you have a fairly clean extract. If done well you may not have to winterize and filter with the Büchner set up. But if you do make sure the funnel and gear is just as cold as the rest and it should be because you put it in the freezer two days ago with the rest. BTW the cold filtration is winterizing as it solidifies the waxes and lipids so you can filter them out.
Heat is a whole 'nother subject but we do need to do some decarboxylation. I don't do it before because I use my still and do Jar tech decarb at a fairly low temps and need to get all of the alcohol out. But still decarb is a function of time and temp so you can use a lower temp for longer, but again I don't have a good detailed answer for this one. But do, do your favorite decarb but I would do it after you broke the flowers up gently so as not to disturb the material too much more. . .

Anyways that's my $0.02. I tried the butter machine bullshit along with quite a few other things and just stopped because I just could not stand that awful smelling and tasting crap I produced. Now I make clean and nice tasting extracts. They're potent, smell and taste great.
I have to disagree with some of that.
The object is to extract the good stuff and leave the bad stuff behind. The bad stuff is chlorophyl, waxes and lipids. You do not want that foul ass crap in your extract, period. Alcohol is a polar solvent and will dissolve what we want and also all the other crap so we need to devise ways to keep what we want and loose the rest. Then there's heat too much and we loose terpenes.
To keep out water soluble stuff we go cold, colder the better, dry ice is best, but freezer works too. Get that stuff in there and keep it there for 48 hours. Don't chop it up! Break it up gently. Think that if the more you break it / chop up the more chlorophyl and nasties get exposed to the solvent. All we really want are the trichomes and they are on the outside so why chop??? So now you have a fairly clean extract. If done well you may not have to winterize and filter with the Büchner set up. But if you do make sure the funnel and gear is just as cold as the rest and it should be because you put it in the freezer two days ago with the rest. BTW the cold filtration is winterizing as it solidifies the waxes and lipids so you can filter them out.
Heat is a whole 'nother subject but we do need to do some decarboxylation. I don't do it before because I use my still and do Jar tech decarb at a fairly low temps and need to get all of the alcohol out. But still decarb is a function of time and temp so you can use a lower temp for longer, but again I don't have a good detailed answer for this one. But do, do your favorite decarb but I would do it after you broke the flowers up gently so as not to disturb the material too much more. . .

Anyways that's my $0.02. I tried the butter machine bullshit along with quite a few other things and just stopped because I just could not stand that awful smelling and tasting crap I produced. Now I make clean and nice tasting extracts. They're potent, smell and taste great.
I mean, I'm just sharing the instructions Frank had shared previously, which is how I did mine :shrug:
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