Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Thanks buddy yeah I know just joking:doh: most of the time I just get ahead of myself and don't think everything through well enough but also over think it too much if that makes sense :doh::dizzy:

I need to go to bed still feel shity got all my chores done:woohoo1: not sure if I'm working tomorrow or not we will see how i feel in the AM Night everyone:headbang::pass::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:
Feel better Good night
Otherwise known as capillary action….:smoking:
I guess i do it too but I heat the whole fitting and like i go less heat n further away cuz blasting the hell out of it isn't wrong but it doesn't look pretty. But he does it and is. Idk i guess im just sayin...:doh:
Hey, as long as it doesn’t leak…fair game!
Sometimes the smart money is you pick and choose your battles. I got a lot of friends that are cops and they're great people. But then you run into the ones that think they're Barney Fife or Tackleberry. And it wouldn't be the first time one lies and the rest of them swear to it.
I have a very good friend that's a retired Gunny. He's been a Texas DPS officer around 15-16 years or so. I kept in touch with him through his 3 deployments to the damn Sandbox. Worried myself sick with sweating out him fighting in the second taking of Fallujah.
I knew this man would be the best Trooper Texas could have. Like me, he still takes the Oath, he took many times, to heart. This man will not violate any person's civil rights. Nor would he stand beside, while others violate rights, I know o several examples. I deeply respect the man's values. He knows I have his 6, as I know he has mine.
There are far too many LE that don't respect people's rights nor uphold the oath that they took. Yes, the majority are not like that. Shitty training can be blamed for some.
Ego, intelligence and ignorance are the biggest problems with bad cops. It can go from the patrolman to the Chief.
I fully support police, the good ones. The bad ones should thank god that they haven't harmed any of my family.
This is one thing I just can't change on. It's just too ingrained.

Too much talk by me on a touchy subject
Wasn't me but I've got a deionizer on our water line for the house. Not a good thing? Seems to do pretty good keeping the scale off the ice maker and coffee machine :shrug:
I did not say it was not a good thing, I said it was not needed for hydroponics. The extra expense is not needed for growing. It makes nearly perfectly clean water. Lab work needs this level of clean water. It has no flavor so most drinking water systems will add back in some minerals for a "spring water" like flavor.
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