Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Well, I do believe if we tried ti get a tax on poilitcal speech going it would be shut down quick....
So..trimming all done...202 grams and a about an oz of trimmers boon.
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We are at fault. We let our government become big brother and now we are paying the bill..... and without us making the effort to change things, they will never change! Communicate with your elected officials, let them know where your next vote will go. Participate actively, or be led like sheep. If we don't tell those we elected, what we want, what we expect, then they do what they assume we want, so it's as much our fault as it is theirs. VOTE! Make your voice heard. And when we become certain we are not being heard, we can make them hear us! I believe it was Thomas Jefferson that said: " If your goverment becomes unbearable, you have the right to change it, even if by force." I truly hate to see it come to that, but from what I see happening, how our rights and our constitution is being destroyed, revolt may soon be the only way to save this country from becoming a dictatorship.

Did you actually expect it to a fair and even for all bill?....honestly?.....we lost control of our govrnmnt when we stopped tarring and feathering the bastards...
Hey @Mañ'O'Green , what kind of meter do you use for testing bud moisture when drying?
One of these bro! A wood moisture meter!

I think mine was lil under $40 with tax from Home Depot! Just make sure u get the kind with pins!
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