I'm mighty pissed!
Yesterday, I read Chuck Shumer's legalization bill, which he finally release the details of. I was excited! Finally, a way forward ( maybe ) for nationwide legalization! Then I read his proposal......... What a crock of shit! First, he wants a TWENTY PERCENT federal tax! On top of all the completely ridiculous state taxes! THEN the real deal killer................ He want a Ferderal PERMIT system in order for us to grow at home! I've been stewing about this since I read it and this morning I wrote to Schumer on his website. Here is what I had to say:
I was hopeful about your proposed bill until I saw you tax proposal. Shocking! a 20% tax??? How about then, you tax alcohol the same way? Alcohol is the most deadly drug allowed by law. it kills tens of thousands each year, yet taxes are minimal on it. Cannabis is mostly benign, and often therapeutic, yet EVERYONE wants to tax it to the point only the wealthy can afford it. This is NOT the way to eliminate the black market, when the Federal government want to add an excessive tax, on top of the already onerous taxes states impose! In many states, that will bring taxes over 40% In Arizona it will be 80%! Explain to me how this is social justice when your plan will force low income people to continue to buy their cannabis on the street. Or is this designed to keep the DEA in business...... You want to tax cannabis? 2% not 20! I'm sick to death of the greed surrounding the cannabis legalization movement, greedy corporations and greedy politicians conspiring to fill their coffers to overflowing with money bilked from consumers in an unprecedented manner! Shame on you!
Secondly, your idea of a "permit' for citizens to be able to grow their own is ludicrous! IT'S A PLANT! Should I need a permit to grow tomatoes too? I can grow drug cultivars of cactus without a permit....... Maybe potatoes should be grown by permit, after all, I can make Vodka from them.
So I guess I'll be forced to continue to be an outlaw and grow my own medicine, whether the government approves or not, because I for one cannot and will not pay grossly unfair prices and taxes on a handful of plant matter!