Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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So, I put off the alexa thing for a long ass time but tbh shes amazing for someone with memory issues/adhd/etc. I can tell her to remind me to do stuff or add stuff to my shopping list or skip songs on the TV or turn on or off lights or whatever without having to touch my phone. Which is huge cause usually I forget what I was getting on my phone for by the time I get it pulled up or I get sucked into a phone rabbit hole once its in my hand.
But I'm trying to keep her well pestered cause she's a disabled vet and she's super depressed and isolated and she said she appreciates the reminders to feed herself and hydrate.
I have to make myself eat at times, even with smoking. Some people eat when depressed and others forget. Silly humans! LOL!
This stupid Covid bullshit has been very rough on disabled Vets. I know it first hand and hear the same from many others. The morons in charge have made stupid changes to man things in the VA that's only made things worse ON TOP of the Covid crap.............just MF'ing stupid crap!:grrr1:
No more of that crap or my day will be screwed!
So, I put off the alexa thing for a long ass time but tbh shes amazing for someone with memory issues/adhd/etc. I can tell her to remind me to do stuff or add stuff to my shopping list or skip songs on the TV or turn on or off lights or whatever without having to touch my phone. Which is huge cause usually I forget what I was getting on my phone for by the time I get it pulled up or I get sucked into a phone rabbit hole once its in my hand.
I have Alexa set me reminders all the damn time! LOL!
I haven't set up the TV yet. Looked into it after your comment and saw my humidifier on the list of devices
I have to make myself eat at times, even with smoking. Some people eat when depressed and others forget. Silly humans! LOL!
This stupid Covid bullshit has been very rough on disabled Vets. I know it first hand and hear the same from many others. The morons in charge have made stupid changes to man things in the VA that's only made things worse ON TOP of the Covid crap.............just MF'ing stupid crap!:grrr1:
No more of that crap or my day will be screwed!

I have Alexa set me reminders all the damn time! LOL!
I haven't set up the TV yet. Looked into it after your comment and saw my humidifier on the list of devices
Ive been making routines and programing skill blueprints left and right the last week or two. When I tuck the kids in I tell her to initiate bedtime protocols and she turns their lights to 1%, sets the light in the hall outside their doors to purple at like 20% so they can go to the bathroom without turning on the lights, and turns the hall light in front of our door off. Netflix and chill sets our lights to 10%, turns on the backlight, and pulls up Netflix lol. If I tell her I gotta pee she turns on my bathroom lights lmfao. I've got it set so all the lights upstairs turn up to 100% 10 minutes before the sun goes down. Can't tell yall how many times I'd find myself sitting in the dark in the afternoons cause I hadn't realized it was starting to get dark lol. The kids lights turn on at 745, a rooster crows (of course her volume gets set to 10 first), she plays the weather, and then turns on music for them to get ready to. Being able to drop in on them is huge and send announcements like when dinner is ready or whatever else so I don't have to yell through the house. They get a 10, 5, and 1 minute warning before hubby's alarm goes off so they can be ready to walk out the door when he comes downstairs. #3 has an out the door checklist for in the morning, and all 3 of them can access a verbal chore chart (#3 is dyslexic so we are still working on reading) and log their chores as they do them. #2 gets reminders before each of his classes starts so he can be sure to be back in class on time. I get a reminder when its time to go pick up the other two, and when we need to get ready for/leave for stuff. Tbh this has been one of the most useful systems I've set up in ages. For some reason the verbal reminders seem more likely to get me to go do the thing, and plus telling her to remind me means I will be able to hold onto the thought long enough to set a reminder, where as by the time I get my phone and open it up I've more than likely forgotten what I was going to do. Adding stuff to my shopping list is awesome too since I don't usually take my phone downstairs when I'm cooking and I will 100% forget to add stuff to the list by the time I get upstairs if I even make a list at all lmao.
I dare say I won't be able to say its been *so long* since I harvested here before long lmao.

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