Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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I think a sump pump is gonna be part of it. Water comes up from under the floor along 3 separate sides of the house. So I think it's either a drain around the perimeter of the basement with a pump or exterior drains around the house, but like half the house is surrounded by concrete patio. No water at all for the first couple years here and now it floods with any good rainstorm. This time it's the rain combined with melting snow...

Not sure how much you know about construction and don't want to insult, but look up interior weeping tile systems(which is the term for what you mentioned). Probably your cheapest, but not the best solution. Other things you can do is to seal the concrete to minimize water penetration, fix any cracks in the concrete, check the grade around your house and fix where possible, make sure your gutters are clean and run the water from the down spouts as far away as possible.
If you plan on being in the house long term, look at waterproofing the exterior of your foundation, which is the best solution for long term. The most expensive, but best solution if possible. PM me if you have questions and will try to help as much as possible.
I was a beyond anal retentive contractor for years. I did high end restorations of historic homes around the bay area in Ca and Charleston SC.
I’m not sure what rabbit hole I just down, but that guy is dope. Good stuff.
Sweet soul music. Click on the original Soloman Burke version and hop in that hole, it'll do ya good. I always feel like some old soul or r&b is good for my personal rythmn and I like country boys singing soul
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