Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Freesia...Jasmine..Honeysuckle..damask rose.....? wanna Linalool based cross......:pass:..Me Too.....

The Nose Knows......:yeah:..
Any suggestions? :biggrin:
lol It's not hard to play at all. Sublime was one of those "Ohhhh I gotta learn how to play ALL their songs!" bands for me back when they came out.
Then it turned to learning Slightly Stoopid. Those guys write some riffs that are a royal pain in the ass to play. I can still only play "Closer to the Sun" perfectly once every other blue moon lol.
I’ve tried to learn the guitar a few times over the years….with little success. Just not the way my brain works I guess. The music sounds a whole lot better coming out of the speakers, with a doober in hand, anyway :haha:
lol It's not hard to play at all. Sublime was one of those "Ohhhh I gotta learn how to play ALL their songs!" bands for me back when they came out.
Then it turned to learning Slightly Stoopid. Those guys write some riffs that are a royal pain in the ass to play. I can still only play "Closer to the Sun" perfectly once every other blue moon lol.

Try this one on brah!


Why does this seem so tempting? I'm damn near 40 years old and have a bad back, And this thing is looking better than a pound of strong indica and personal masseuse lmao
Yup @Olderfart ... :pass: ..the alternative is not that clever either.

You gotta get a sense of Humour about and hubby laugh together about it...because you know the other will be suffering too.

Hubby got his lenses done after years of cloudy vision..he was Astouded about Almost all the improvements But..he was gutted by how wrinkly he had got.....:crying:....his vision was so cloudy he couldn't See them....he said he remembered his face when he was about 50.....:biggrin: is the muscle tone that goes.....:headbang:..if I slap my arse now I get a tingle in me ankles where the ripple goes down...:biggrin:...pfft...

Happy Friday..........:friday:
Bordering on too much information.

Kidding aside, a sense of humour about the ageing process helps a lot. The other thing that has been a remarkable help here is our little hound who gets us off the couch and allows us to deeply enjoy simple walks with her. Something that will remain doable and joyful for a long time yet, muscle tone be damned. :biggrin:
I’ve tried to learn the guitar a few times over the years….with little success. Just not the way my brain works I guess. The music sounds a whole lot better coming out of the speakers, with a doober in hand, anyway :haha:
It's just something that takes time, man. I've been playing for near 30 years and still gotta put time into practicing otherwise I'll sound like a noob.
Morning Suki, I hope today turns out a whole lot better. :pighug:
Happened again today (the no one waking up till its time to go thing) so I've launched a full out investigation into why tf none of our alarms have been going off. I think alexa and our cell phones are conspiring against us or something lmfao.
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