Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Happy Mayday to all. Which reminds me of a story. I knew a young man, a security guard for a large Boston construction project. He acquired a Marine VHF radio somewhere, and hooked it up in his truck (totally illegal). One stormy winter night he was bored stiff. He got on the radio and transmitted something like "Mayday mayday mayday! Help, we're sinking! Ten miles off the Boston Light..." The Coastguard mobilized ships, planes and helicopters, hoping he'd transmit again so they could get a fix on his exact location. It was an expensive and dangerous operation. They did pinpoint his truck though. He wound up doing Federal time for his prank. In the joint everybody called him "Mayday."
We had a newbie fresh out of boot camp send a "mayday" over one of the aircrafts radios on the carrier, you could just imagine the s- -t storm he was in for.
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