I get the pun now

but when reading fast it sounded like you were calling someone a full blown idiot

and with everything as tense as it's been lately I felt like it was un called for just like hobbes FU but that's my opinion

This whole session on LS has started off on the wrong foot I would like to disappear until next semester
First things first, I would never personally attack anyone here
PERIOD! Ever! I just don't role like that.
I may however take acceptation to something you say. Just the facts Jack. Don't try to bullshit a bullshiter I have a turd in every pocket.
My humor may come from some dark region of a stoned out brain that defies all manor of logic and may not be recognized as communication at all! Case in point is Neanderthal. I had absolutely no intention of calling
@Frank the Dank a Neanderthal. My thinking at the time was that cave people used rocks as a canvas and it would just seem normal to them. Well we all see how that worked out! Frank come home..........
The point I am trying to make is lets get off the ledge and just have fun.
Even if I dont feed cal mag? just go with whats in my water. Not sure the amount in there tho.
You have to look at all of the possible sources for Calcium, The soil you start with does it have Dolomite Lime, a slow release form of calcium, Your water, any and all of your nutrient additions, lots of fertilizers use calcium nitrate as a source for nitrogen but it is high in calcium also. You do need to know what your water contains, look it up or get it tested. I looked at your comment about only using 1/4 cup of Fruit & Flower based on plant size? what about soil volume? is that for a plant in the garden with cubic yards of soil? You also mention yucca Recharge what is that? If you mean yucca and Recharge, Recharge will amp up the availability of all of the nutrients available in the pot including calcium.
So my observation of what the plant looks like is just that an observation. We didn't talk about RH which can have a dramatic effect on nutrient uptake all by itself.
It ain't easy being mother nature. The good news is your plants will most likely be just fine.
I have tortured the shit out of my current grow with the 8/4 light schedule and they are still making buds.