Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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As long as I don’t get stuck in a bathroom for 6 hours
I won't do that was terrible...I ate a quarter way to much...they were probably no some people I know in the Ozarks...small community of town people I here..everyone pretty much knows everyone besides tourist..
Love the Ozarks....did a bachelor party down there last summer was a blast got stuck in a bathroom for 6hr on shrooms....crazy me next time I head that way..I'll have to meet up and smoke a fatty....
Six hours in a bathroom on shrooms sounds like a normal work day to me :crying:
I got to get the fuck out of MO it's hell now the city is shit...drugs everywhere and shootings dailey....FL I'm on my way
I was in Salem just a bit south of Rolla on I-44. Sister teaches in the high school we graduated from.
I couldn't do that everyday...I wouldn't have a brain left...holey fuck...
I won't do that was terrible...I ate a quarter way to much...they were probably no some people I know in the Ozarks...small community of town people I here..everyone pretty much knows everyone besides tourist..
Guessing you were at Lake of the Ozarks. The wife’s family lives there and she grew up near there. Thankfully, we’re closer to Table Rock Lake so we have a bit of a buffer
Not as airy as Dr grinspoon. Only seen pics but if those are the best of that plant I prob won’t grow it… looks like each branchlet would hold a 1/4 joint!
Don't it's not worth it really....I got 6 oz off 3 plants....weeds good though....
You are moving to Florida? They are zero tolerance aren’t they?
Naw, we got Medical and are fighting hard to get a ballot initiative. They know we got the backing and keep playing games to keep it off the ballot for the people to vote on.
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