What about AFN watering cans? Like the plastic ones we use to water the plants? Sorry I don't mean to overload you with "how bout this" "how bout that"
About the only accuracy in that movie, was the old gunner saying something about the fire control for the guns being a mechanical computer.
The best I remember, none of the WWII era Battleships that were brought back into service the last time, had upgrades to the fire control systems of the main guns. They added several other modern systems, though.
Lookin nice and green still. You down south, middle, northern?
I grew up in and out of the bay area. Was in Sonoma County last I lived there. Moved east to take care of and spend time with families before everyone keels over. Amongst other things...Miss a lot about Cali, but don't miss a lot as well. I miss the pacific and the natural beauty the most. Make it out there about twice a year still
I keep forgetting not everyone is in california, when people call it a night I look up it's only 630 or 7 sometimes. I assume most of you are at least 2 or 3 hours ahead so then it makes sense.
Morfnoevight mōrf nō vīt
Noun 1. A word to encompass Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night.
Commonly used in a greeting or salutation when communicating live worldwide. Good morfnoevight.
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