So...we go shoping yesterday........they have Lidl in the US....?...they have a middle aisle with all sorts of stuff etc......
I do the shopping....hubby goes up and down the middle aisle............ works for us.
He's been looking for a new safety visor for working with the bushcutter....also getting nagged to wear a mask when he cleans out the chickens....
I go collect him in the middle aisle...he's got an adustable wrench and a full face visor....he's happy as a sandpiper.....

..and I must admit...I'm pleased he got one...saves ordering from Amazon....
I didn't Look close enough........I Know it was my fault Thinking logical........
When we get home he gets it on...sitting with his back to me...then ...I see him stick a Tube on.....and I'm like...what is that.........?......
Hubby...a Snorkle..................a snorkle...........are you chuffing joking me........?........
This is the man who hasn't put a foot in the sea for over 5 years....won't go and sit on the beach ....coz he doesn't like Tourists....
When we go to the beach in the morning...I walk in the shallows..he walks on the sand.........

.... know...the last time I saw him snorkle.....was 28 YEARS ago when he was teaching my son...........
28 Years...but hey..he has a new snorkle...........
I'm never going to understand him...........

...but that is another piece of shite we have to find house room for....that will never see the light of day again......
It's a good job I smoke dope.........

...coz I'm living in the Twilight Zone.........