Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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i was talkin about fungus gnatz, not ladybugz, lol....jus sayin ;) ppp

Shhhhhh u read nothing looool

(@420Forever I get that now after I re-read it just didn’t get there in time to edit lol)
Frickin things are getting on my nerves I don't have them in the tents too bad but their around:cuss: :deadhorse:My problem is now that the weather is nice they are all over the house think I am ordering some lady bugs :muahaha::amazon:
They drive me nuts :cuss:I can keep them from my plants but there's always 1 or 2 flying around somewhere in the house. Wife got houseplants? :rofl: Water them with soaked mosquito bits too. It's officially preventative maintenance season around my way
right :greencheck: and did anyone mention they're the spawn of satan himself-? ......................jus checkin & carry on plz :thumbsup: ppp

I was going to say I thought that was mantids that spawned satan:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: But never mind carry on:face::oops1:
My mrs had a rose bush being annihilated by green fly, so I used diluted thyme oil (Monty Don book I got google him if u don’t know lol) I think it was 5parts water to 1oil and it was banging! It’s now used on 95% of plants/flowers & veg in my garden.
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