Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Most excellent my friend….another gorgeous day outside….been dabbing the fairy breath x stone99 v5 this morning….so dank!!!! :lildab:

How are you? :pass:
I'm very well, thanks. I'm seconds away from dipping into this fresh 5 day cured Ripley's OG rosin.......



Oooh...Thank You @BCBudlady ...View attachment 1597491... #Drag-on .... I've been on Deep Chunk the last few days...... Pure....

Taste second to none...but dropping my med effect a Touch..........

I'm on #FingerDabs today........mature girls.....good Float...but no Hippy Trippy..........

It it so fuelly that everytime I exhale I singe me nose hair.. :crying: ...I Love Fresh Bud......
Yup, nothing like fresh off the dry for meds. Curing is for mids, and we don’t grow mids! Those volatiles be the magic.
Just trimmed Zazzafraz. Stinky sassafras . The wait.
Priorities.... :pass: ...if you don't have your wil be in more will get less work done..........:headbang:

First Rule... Be Kind to Self.........:pighug:

You gotta be Well to Work..........
Tryna keep reminding myself cuz i get to goin n b4 i know its been a 10 hour day and im not done yet
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