Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Up more than 10 pounds, just in time for pool season.
Mmmmm……increased buoyancy, good thinking. You can never be too safe around water :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Zoomies to show off his athleticism.
Haha he’s faster than her in the distance of the yard…..but I’ve seen her jump over a six foot fence with a live chicken in her mouth…. Although, he for sure wins in the nap department :rofl:
Pretty much how it works with me and the wife:crying:
when i used to tell my grandma i was bored as a kid she would say, "well, then twiddle your thumbs" god what a hard ass. i love her :crying:
My grandma and my mom would tell us to "go play in traffic" imagining telling the kids these days to do that it'd be viral :haha::crying::crying::crying::crying:
I'm bored need to find something to do besides smoking pot I need to fill up Eb rez's and that's about all to do tonight:kitty: Took a nap after work now I am wide awake and wife went to the lake house with her girls friends for the weekend so I got the house to my self frozen pizza's for dinner:muahaha::lildab:

Perfect time to work on your moves
when i used to tell my grandma i was bored as a kid she would say, "well, then twiddle your thumbs" god what a hard ass. i love her :crying:
I used to get "find something to do or I'll find you something to do" :crying: I still pull that on the kid anytime I can
My grandma and my mom would tell us to "go play in traffic" imagining telling the kids these days to do that it'd be viral :haha::crying::crying::crying::crying:
Most of the methods our parents used to raise us would be deemed abuse or neglect these days. Hell, from as young as I can remember, I would ride in my dad’s pickup standing up on the bench seat with my hand on his shoulder for stability. Or I was in the back with the dogs :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Mmmmm……increased buoyancy, good thinking. You can never be too safe around water :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Haha he’s faster than her in the distance of the yard…..but I’ve seen her jump over a six foot fence with a live chicken in her mouth…. Although, he for sure wins in the nap department :rofl:
Sage advice from a sailor. Couldn’t get farther away on many levels. RH 15% today?
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