Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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The problem with taking meds but not an ADHD med is I can never remember if I've taken them and then if I err on the side of caution and don't take them I don't get my allergy meds that day and wake up feeling it the following day. Either that or I'm legit sick. Either way, it sucks. Also, I think I need to go turn the heat back on (after two days at 90*) cause I'm freezing lmfao.
Good Morfnoevight All you Happy Caturday Live Stoners!

Hey @Mañ'O'Green Question for you at what week do you switch from nitric acid to Phosphoric acid? Do you by the schedule or the plants? :thanks::pass:
I switch when I move to flower nutrients.

There's a couple ways to do it If I was doing the i would feed this once the soil has depleted around week 5-6.. how many times you feed the soil will depend on the plant some may want it every watering other maybe be every other as low as once a week.. I would not exceed 5 gram per gallon 4 gram is really the max IMO

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I do not know how accurate that spreadsheet is with the new formula MC 1 part?


Look how cute I am, just try to pet me :muahaha:
Good Morfnoevight All you Happy Caturday Live Stoners!

I switch when I move to flower nutrients.

I do not know how accurate that spreadsheet is with the new formula MC 1 part?

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Look how cute I am, just try to pet me :muahaha:

Thank you and good point guess I didn’t think they changed the formula again.. also I always assumed those were theoretical numbers next based on actual testing? :shrug:
I am not at all pleased with the beginning of this grow!
There is only one that is within my expectations, based on past performance. I have a close second. The others.............NOT SO MUCH!:grrr1:

The only difference.....................FUNGUS GNAT infestation from the Oly compost. The timing crap bit me in the ass!
I set up my Earthboxes and let them sit idle for a period. This is to get everything 'cooking' and getting all the GOOD helpers thriving.

Timing..........I didn't see ANY gnats until the day I dropped beans in water.......only a handful.
Dem bitches hadda fuggin HATCH! :face::gassy1:

The first up girls have done the best. They got their root structure established first. The larval gnats had to have had an impact on the root system. The very last one up is severely stunted!

Irony...........If I had planted two days earlier, ALL would have had well established root systems by the time of the gnat bomb went off! Dammit!

I'll treat again today with BTI to keep up the pressure. Hopefully the nematodes are getting well established.

Good news!
The other day I mixed up a little sumtin' sumtin' to see if I can do something to help.
Dash of Humic acid.......just enough to lightly color the water as the first step.
Powdered coconut milk
Quality Aminos...... light dose
A touch of Medina Horticulture Molasses........feed microbes
Wettable mycos.......I forgot what brand and too sore to go look!
A touch of surfactant, but not really needed with the aminos and coconut milk. I add it to all my top waterings on EBs
The water was 94*F......shooting for anything over 90
Bubbled for an hour.
I slowly gave them all the same amount. I had a little left over, so I diluted it a little and gave all the Jrs about 10 oz in the Rez. This will help the roots find the wicking areas a little sooner, I think. Not really worried about over saturation. The other media will adjust it. ........within reason.
All have shown a marked improvement!:woohoo:

The two oldest are praying this morning!

Lesson learned!
Isolate new compost in tote. Add a little food.......chicken laying crumble.... lightly wet with light dose molasses water and sprinkle on bokashi. Cover and let cook! You should know something in 10 days or so.
Growin my own worms is gonna be a must for me. Best source for life in an Earthbox!

The unplanted Jr will not be planted with signs of gnats. Gonna hit it today also and give it fresh rat glue traps, so I can gage any infestation. Pretty sure it's still gonna be a photo. It will be a test of how and when I'm doing the second top dressings and if I need to hit photos harder with the organic nutes.
Honestly, I don't think there will be any difference in the demand RATE based on equal size.
I think the EB makes it equally available or either auto or photo..........with each getting the same DLI during the flowering period.
When I was a kid, family gatherings always consisted of the adults sitting around a table and me being relegated to other places. If the future me had warned the younger me that that would never change, I might have reconsidered risk avoidance.
Night Owl Seeds mail call.. Found them at a small online honey hole seed bank I use often. I couldn't pass them up as they seem to be scarce right now. If anyone needs a tip let me know an I'll relay their whereabouts.
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