Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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It took about 8 burn offs, but its better now. I think a lot of it is due to me being a pretty heavy smoker, a vap is not the kind of hit I'm accustomed too. Like just sucking air. It should improve as I try to quit smoking over the next few months. I imagine everything should taste better then.
Yes, it will. Everything tastes better!
I got stung by 2 bumblebees today while trying to chase some squirrels out of some lady's roof. 1 in the upper lip and 1 in the back of the neck. Finally completed my list of local critters that sting. 3/10 on the pain scale and 0/10 for adrenaline. Just in case anybody was wondering, since my wife wasn't :baked:
Not to stomp on your story, but… speaking of bees, at the municipal job in Rome ny we were getting ready for a level run… partner is walking about 30’ in front of me and I hear that sound and look up. A very large swarm of bees are directly in front of him. I yell “ stop man! Those are bees!” He looks at me and says “ how can you tell?” I say “you can’t hear and see them?” He walks back and look from where I am standing… at least 100,000 bees swarming in front like a cloud. He thought they were cherry blossoms flying around. They finally calmed a little and we went to work. After initial set up, I walked back in that direction… saw two large clusters about 40’ apart collecting on branches. Felt like the Bee Czar when I realized there must be two queens and they are trying to decide where they should be. When we left they had all collected on a lower branch of a tall pin cherry with a good canopy spread. This cluster was about 3’ long and a conical shape of about 2’ diameter on the top and tapered down. Fascinating and scary at the time. If that cluster got riled and decided we were the cause we would be dead! There ain’t no surviving that many stings. And they’d be protecting their newly crowned queen. Most bees I’ve ever seen live!
Good morning @Jpkindbud :headbang:

Have a good friday!!!
Good morning @Talonxracer , no work today. Got a 40 hr week with 11.5 of those being at prevailing wage with fringe attached (because we aren’t Union) so for 11.5 hrs+fringe it equals $690 before taxes and that’s ONLY that job… not the rest of my pay. I’m figuring about 1200 take home for this last work week!
Happy FrIday @blue's the Kankle.........?

Good morning @Talonxracer , no work today. Got a 40 hr week with 11.5 of those being at prevailing wage with fringe attached (because we aren’t Union) so for 11.5 hrs+fringe it equals $690 before taxes and that’s ONLY that job… not the rest of my pay. I’m figuring about 1200 take home for this last work week!
Then its a great Friday, start of a long weekend, and Memorial day weekend at that! Do you have Monday off as well?
Ha! I avoid Walmart like the plague, but end up there or in other stores that have the shitty guitars out. My wife hates it as I'll pick them up and start playing. My my standard go to song in those situations is The Dead Kennedy's Too Drunk to Fuck :haha: or Paganini caprices, but those are really hard to pull off
LOL, When you open our local newspaper to the Police Log section, 90% of our crime seems to always happen in the Walmart parking lot. We avoid that place like the plague.
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