Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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Holy schwag Batman! Got the Night Owl order and this is all the stuff they threw in: 20 stickers, 6 packs of plant labels(5 each), a pack of papers, an ashtray, 2 blue lights to identify seed packs...Not into stickers and developing quite the collection

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Did you See the Seed Stockers...{I Think} Pots that @F.N. had.....First time I have seen them...damn good Advertising.......:bravo:
@Mossy :rofl:

I'm not gonna chop until all of these leaves are burnt to a crisp, I hate trimming!

Me Too......:d5:......cough.....I have been known to leave the odd one sitting in the pot until it trims itself...cough..cough...
Buds were brown...but the aromatics were very intense.....:biggrin:
So you'd have Thought..........But.....if it gets two golf bags in the cannot get the roof down...... :biggrin:

Damn...and I Thought the Party had just exhausted you......:pighug:...but you were working....
Roof down, why???
The aircon isn't any use with the roof down!:crying:
For a ginge, goodness only knows where you got your sun loving lizard genes?
I'm of the same affliction, with my beautiful strawberry blonde locks flowing in the wind but when the sun comes out, I go into the shade.
That's why I look 32 when I'm actually 52, avoiding the sun has kept me looking youthful!
People will pay a ton of money for a chemical peel, not me I just go out in full sun for a day and it just falls off!:yay:
As a kid I'm sure me mum had shares in calamine lotion!

Yup... tirelessly working!
Trying to find a suitable local to grow in the UK is damned difficult!
I've spent hours zooming in and zooming out and kept finding more bloody tracks and paths.
If it can't be used for farming then it is all bloody trees and if it aint farm land or trees, then it is an open area full of sodding paths!
So I have looked at a 30 mile radius of the city I live in and it is all no go, people get everywhere!
Even up hills and mountains, there are hiking paths or tracks for mountain bikers!
So now I have eventually found two sites not so far from each other but it is one hell of an up hill walk (with camping gear in a backpack) but hopefully that will mean not so many people (but don't count on it).
I'll have to take a 1 hour train journey to get to the area before I start hiking!
To add injury to insult it'll cost me £20 in train fares just to get there and back.
I don't care though coz it's gonna be such fun and hopefully I'll get a jar of weed at the end of it!
Strain is Lemon o matic an auto lemon skunk, ePenguin grew it in 2015 and he said it virtually gave off no odor and the strain stays short @ 50cm, so it should be nice and stealthy!
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Yup... tirelessly working!
Trying ti find a suitable local to grow in the UK is damned difficult!
I've spent hours zooming in and zooming out and kept finding more bloody tracks and paths.
If can't be used for farming then it is all bloody trees and if it aint farm land or trees it is an open area full of sodding paths!
So I have looked at a 30 mile radius of the city I live in and it is all no go, people get everywhere!
Even up hills and mountains, there are hiking path or track for mountain bikers!
So now I have found two site not so far from each other but it is one hell of an up hill walk (with camping gear in a backpack) but hopefully that will mean not so many people (but don't count on it).
I'll have to take a 1 hour train journey to get to the area before I start hiking!
To add injury to insult it'll cost me £20 in train fares just to get there.
I don't care though coz it's gonna be such fun and hopefully I'll get a jar of weed at the end of it!
Strain is Lemon o matic an auto lemon skunk, ePenguin grew it in 2015 and he said it virtually gave of no odor and the strain stays short @ 50cm, so it should be nice and stealthy!

I don't Envy you the job...........but I Do Wish you Luck.................:wizzy:....

I Wonder what happened with eP. I Know there was trouble with DaddyP and him with their health..but I bloody hate it when people just disappear......:cheers:...Absent Friends.....
I don't Envy you the job...........but I Do Wish you Luck.................:wizzy:....

I Wonder what happened with eP. I Know there was trouble with DaddyP and him with their health..but I bloody hate it when people just disappear......:cheers:...Absent Friends.....
It has been a pain in the ass.
I've also been buying more camping gear and wire netting to stop, deer and rabbits.
I have also bought 3 different spray paints to do a camo effect on the wire (Black, olive drab and khaki).
Environmental (organic) slug pellets (safe for wildlife like birds and hedgehogs etc) the pellets don't kill the slugs, they just make them not want to eat. as of April 1st 2022, the old style slug pellets (poison ones) have been banned as an unacceptable risk to wildlife! So no worries on hurting any wild life, other than slugs and snails.
Something that someone pointed out to me is, slugs seem to only eat plants humans like and ignore everything else!
Little buggers!

Hard to know with eP I just hope he aint in the big house?
Daddy penguin well that was a lot of hard work!
It takes a lot to look after someone, who has no clue what is going on!
Where ever eP is I hope he is well and I hope we do see him again one day.
Hope lives eternal!
When I checked out his Lemon o matic grow the other day (research), I sent him a message, in the vain hope he may see it.
Just passing through forgot to grab a quote :pass: :rofl:
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Arty sucks in through his teeth and does a little tutting and shaking of his head!
"A job like that is gonna cost you gov"!
It'll cost you at least a oner (£100) to create a caption for that!

Hows that for a quote?Bwhaha:crying:
Can't Beat Own Grown .....:headbang:...I Hope your wifes antiB's arrive today....
They delivered to neighbor who finally got around to letting us know...freezy packs were still frozen si it's all good..
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