Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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What breeder if you dont mind me asking? Missed the Top Dawg drop on 4/20
Fastbuds Original Chemdawg, from my last 2x4 run.
Hello... Hello... Hello... Sorry again for the echo. I'm still trying to figure this thing out. lol Wussup errbody? :pass:

afternoon pat have you entered the vidamints raffle I’m up to 49 entries :woohoo1: :pass: Working for couple more hours :hurry:
Cheers, and thank you @Mossy! :d5: Happy Friday to you as well! She's a potent girl that my friends say.. (in their own words) .. is a 'one hitter quitter' . Very very uplifting effects, followed by a relaxing body stone.
It's been a LOONG time since I've had a 1 hitter quitter!
Greetings! It is afternoon isn't it? lol.. Yes I have entered the raffle. I think I am in the 50s now. :pass:
It is for me east coaster here:rofl: see everyone in a couple hrs :pop: :headbang:

Bad day fishing is better than a good day at work :smoking: Good day fishing is even better! What is that? Looks kinda like a pike...
Its a walleye some call them walleyed pike Great to eat. Have to be 15 inches to keep in Michigan this one 19 1/2 Great eater. Wind picked up and I skedaddled :baked:
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