I LOVED Miles as a young trumpet player. Such talent! Too bad he was a racist POS.
I met Satchmo as a little bitty kid and he was VERY friendly. That could have been because my Dad was towering over the both of us, but he did seem genuine. He did crack that big ol smile of his! He was very surprised a little white kid knew who he was.

My band director would scold me when I let my cheeks puff out like Satchmo. He didn't like it when I told him, "That's the way Satchmo did it!"

That director was a fantastic trumpet player as well all other brass.. He was very demanding, but he pulled it off well with most students wanting to please him. He came over to the elemetery school in the morning and was at the high school in the afternoon, so I was with him for 6yrs. Another band directer taught Jr High. That was one strange little fugger! Almost no one liked him. Fucker made me learn and play the base since I was a big guy.................and that move was from being #1 trumpet. It pissed me off and especially my Dad.....he was still making those Bach trumpet payments! LOL! Little munchkin told my Dad it wasn't a talent choice and that I did deserve #1 trumpet. So every song we played, I got the trumpet music also and learned it also. Wasn't that big of deal with the base music being so easy. If I hadn't done that, I would have never played in the jazz band in high school. Didn't play in public in the regular band after sophomore year....... only in the jazz group. That was fun!