Lol it was a lot! 20+ wheelbarrow loads. Looked like they had just dumped more and more topsoil on over the years but its all level with the driveways now! I'm just glad the hardest part is done lol. Edges have to get dug down in an 8" perimeter, then edging stones will go in, with 3.5" of marble between the slab and the edgers. Then the soil needs to be double dug to mix in compost, top soil, and aeration to break up the clay/improve the soil over time. Then I get to plant! That was literally thousands of pounds of soil today though lol. We're so close now!
Then we just have to finish the backyard stuff so I can get my veggies in, and then even out where we filled the holes in the easement so I can do my corn beans and squash back there lol. Easy peasy.
I'm tired lol. Crabcakes in the air fryer presently and then once the kids are in bed we will probably crash immediately
Then we just have to finish the backyard stuff so I can get my veggies in, and then even out where we filled the holes in the easement so I can do my corn beans and squash back there lol. Easy peasy.
I'm tired lol. Crabcakes in the air fryer presently and then once the kids are in bed we will probably crash immediately