Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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That's pretty much exactly it. With some ribbons and balloons tied to it. :crying: There used to be a hippie/fairy community around here and they would have a big ass party every summer for a weekend at a huge estate property that one of the people used to take care of. At sundown each night everybody at the party would make a trip to the pole in the middle of a field and either give a little speech or just chill out in the field and listen. It was super cool but just about all of them have passed now and the property was sold a couple years ago. A lot of the white widow and Xmas tree bud sold from the late 80s to late 90s from Jersey to Iowa was grown indoor in barns there. RIP Shiva and Sally M
I hear ya man! I'm kinda beat also. Fresh rolled hash and DOING the rolling, heating, folding, more rolling, more folding and more more more! :rofl:
This is an act of love! LOL!
I'm gonna make one last 'dog turd' for the day., I'll just have to finish tomorrow..
I'm making all temple balls tomorrow. 10g each.

That looks yummy as hell!! I just ate and my mouth is watering!:rofl:
I've only tried the hot water bottle rolling thing once and it was a million times more work then I thought it was gonna be. I think that's what made me buy my press :shrug:
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