The best home defense firearm is the 870 Wingmaster and a little more advanced, Model 870 Tactical Magpul.
Powerful and ultimately reliable. If I could only have one thing for home defense, Model 870 Tactical Magpul.
I can defend my home quite adequately and extremely accurately with my 92F, but I've thousands of rounds with this model. Even though I'm the sole person in my home, I still carry a loadout that I did have family members and/or lived in the city with close neighbors. The round in the chamber and the next two in the mag were Glaser Safety rounds. In lay terms, it's a shotgun type round. It's designed to not exit a body or penetrate and exit a wall. This protects your family from stray shots in other rooms and your close neighbors.
I know that's probably stock photos, the rounds look like a Golden Sabre like design. Very good round, especially for a 9mm.. The design lets the round mushroom quickly upon entrance and impart all of it's energy in very short order and distance.
There's two very important results of that design. Naturally, the main intent of the design is for increased lethality. It does this very well in two ways. Obviously, bigger bullet means bigger hole, but one thing that people may not know or realize. To put it simply, the quicker the projectile can expand and mushroom, the projective imparts it energy to the object in a shorter distance and a quicker time. This concentrates the energy imparted and causes a MUCH bigger shockwave that goes thru the object, In a center mass hit that didn't directly hit a vital area, this larger shockwave can disrupt vital organ operation...........stops heart and/or breathing.
It also affords, to some degree, less likelihood of exit. It is a great deal more than a 'safety round', but still a good margin in a center mass hit. Hitting bone early into the penetration can cause breaking up of the projectile, but any exiting shrapnel would have low velocity and mass, therefore less collateral damage is possible.