Good Morfnoevight All you Happy Sunday Funday Stoners!
You ever try a frying pan on a BBQ?

As for camping, I aint lugging round a BBQ! Sod that for a game of soldiers!

It's either a meths burner, gas burner and where allowed and where it is safe over a wood fire, for me when in the wilds!
In honor of Memorial Day and my father that did not die in the war but was forever formed by it. I miss my Dad.
My father used to season beef short ribs 4"x4" with diced onion, salt and pepper, wrap tightly in heavy aluminum foil and freeze it to -10°F This is then used in the place of ice in the ice chest with foods you want to keep dry. It will keep 5 days if the camp is not too hot. When the short ribs are thawed you make sure the foil is tight and put them right in the red hot coals of your camp fire. Don't move them at risk of poking a hole in the foil. 30 or 40 minutes and you have some mighty fine mountain eating.
So I was about 14 when we took a two day fishing trip to the high country, Florence Elv 7,300 or Edison Lake 7,600 in the West Sierra Nevada mountain range. My Dad didn't pack the ice chest because we were going to only be one night. He just threw the short ribs in a brown paper sack. Edison lake was unexpectedly low and we got the truck and boat trailer stuck in the mud not even close to the water! We whinched the closest stump out The second worked and freed the truck and trailer. By the time we got to Florence Lake it was late afternoon, the wind was up and trolling was out. Bank fishing was miserable. So my Dad and his buddy really hit the whisky. The camp set-up was a scene right out of Laurel and Hardy + drunk. The tent was tied one end to the truck with a fly to the camper shell. The kids slept in the camper shell and the adults in the tent. Dad decides the flashlight he wants is in the clove box and proceeds to get in the driver side and slide over to get into the box. He steps on the clutch and the truck rolls forward over the rotten branch he used for a wheel stop and pulls the tent down

but wait it gets funnier he starts the truck and backs up a foot too far. He runs over his aluminum folding chair and it is jammed under the bumper. This leads to a lot of swearing and more whisky! I was off to gather wood while they put the tent back up. There was a lot of wood easy pickings so I built a big fire. The wind had calmed to almost still and the smoke went nearly straight up. What wasn't straight up was my dad's chair

. He sat in that chair and acted like nothing was wrong. I just knew he would fall out of it before the night was over but he never did. Just at twilight My dad's drunk buddy threw the brown bag of charcoal brickettes on the fire at my fathers instructions. Some short time later and for a while my dad is digging in the back of the truck for the short ribs. It took him a bit to figure out

but the sheepish look on his face said it all as he held up the brown paper bag of brickettes. They had been stirring the ribs into the fire. They dug out some pieces of meat, washed them off - sorta. It was not good but I was hungry. So before sunrise we are on the lake. It is cold but calm and beautiful. The air so crisp it pierces your nostrils. There is a distinct forest smell with a base of earth and pine but it is so much more complex then that. I can almost taste it as I write about it. Oh yeah that is the dabs
. Well the boat motor would not run. My dad and his buddy pulled on that starter rope hundreds of times. We did not catch any fish but this memory is what all fishing trips are actually about.
I love you dad