Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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Glad we got down the beach early..............It's getting a bit warm now................ :pass: ...temps are supposed to drop again by tomorrrow....
Temps should always be measured in the shade!
Air temperature is always measured in a shady location because in the shade the thermometer is measuring the actual air temperature, and only the air temperature. A thermometer placed in the sun measures the temperature that the sun heats the thermometer to, not the true air temperature.
I'll get me Tin Hat.................................... :crying:
Not gonna help protect ya! I add some of this last rosin and I can probe your brain no matter what ya do................well, it does take YOU being high, but that's a given! :eyebrows: :rofl::rofl:
Just went to the shop to check Prissy's kittens after feeding the Moms. I fully closed the shop overhead last night when I came home.
They were all fine, all balled up together in the bottom of the trash can.....dumb cat!
She did make some pretty kittens, though.
Callusing is moving along nicely.

So I cut a few more, lol.
Canna coffee huh? Does it taste as good as it sounds? lol... That's my kind of coffee!
I add chocolate and creamer and sometimes also malted milk. Only time I put stuff in my coffee. That's mainly for the lecithin for supposedly better absorption of the thc.
This is the first fully sober test of the new infused oil I made for a friend. Defiantly happy with the results and VERY glad I cut strength per dose. It would have been way too hard to dose properly. One bottle is good for 30 1ml doses.
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