Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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Heck of a Mother’s Day tea party spread the kids made here
Indeed I do. Verpa Bohemica is a great tasting mushroom. Almost better than a true morel... Almost.
figured as much. I don't eat them where I live, they have a bad rep here.

Both my wife and I have been poisoned quite badly by true morels too - she didn't even eat them, she just spent the afternoon indoors where I had a drier full of them going. I got sick after eating too many of them over the course of several days. The first hint after I ate some for dinner was a barely noticeable tickle of nausea that didn't really do much before going away. After the morel omelette the next morning however, I was so violently sick for so long that I blew a large number of blood vessels in my eyeballs. Morels have never quite tasted the same since. :) I still eat them now after a break following the event, but my wife will have nothing to do with them.

The thing with the morel family, I think, is that they all contain a compound or compounds that are innocuous until you ingest enough of them to overload the body's capacity to process them the preferable way, and when it/they get processed through a second metabolic pathway, all hell breaks loose because one of the chemical steps in the alternate sequence is seriously toxic. People's capacity for processing the stuff in the different pathways varies. Some can't eat any, others never overload no matter how many they eat.

Morel of the story - if you ever feel just a hint of tummy upset, stop eating them for a week or two. :pighug:
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Daughter just brought over some datura seeds.....more shit for me to plant and take care of so wife can see pretty stuff.......I still haven't gotten past mixing soil for the wild onion seeds and more is piled on.....I'm just gonna have to stock up on beer and go at it tomorrow I guess....
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