Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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All prepped!
How’s everyone doin this fine shatterday!!!!

it’s harvest day here at the dream farm

these all were planted on 1-27 and I began harvesting them on the 3-29 until today. I still have 20 plants that were planted at the same time. But they are some binary selections gear And are takin a little longer, the others are seeded and I wanna make sure they get ripe beans inside. the two wardrobe boxes are also, the large trunk is the donor blueberry slushy that got pollinated

Also pictured is my very first fem seed batch Legendberry OG(Rocbudinc) X Auto Blueberry slushy(Rocbudinc)

lookin to make a stable larger more dense blueberry skunk pheno that I found in a few
Good Morfnoevight All You Caturday Stoners!

I don't even drink the night before diving. I did that once and got sick in my regulator. Evidently a hangover is multiplied with the pressure of depth. 1 atmosphere is all it took to turn me inside out :yoinks:. We never took the written test for rescue diver but have passed all of the PADI training for Master Divers.

Palau has some of the most diverse diving of all the places we have been. Chandelier Cave, WWII planes and ammunition barges (closed now after an explosion) Blue Wall and Corner ............. so many great dive sites. My wife hated being "Hooked In" at the wall :rofl:

This was just feet away from where they filmed "Survivor Palau" What a joke. Water. Fire pits wind protected shelter and bathrooms.

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The Jelly Fish Lake is a once in the world kind of place. I would go back there anytime!
I've always wanted to dive there!
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