Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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I've been keeping up with the "findings" as Lake Meade out in Las Vegas keeps drying up. They are finding bodies in barrells left and right. I can't imagine the phone calls back East...

Hey, Lou!


You know those guys we sent on vacation back in 88' to Vegas? Chills and Sticks?


Well..... They just turned up!
first rule about the don't talk about the club...
I've only bought a couple of things from bas over the years, but pretty sure everything I've got had free shipping :shrug: but it's been pretty much small bags of stuff and some neem oil. Speaking of free shipping, any suggestions on whether I should get build a flower top dress or build a bloom for my outdoor soil plants? They're free shipping plus 25% off... Here's the journal
I haven't used either. I have flower covered with Coast of Maine Lobster compost that I make a slurry with FFJ added for the EarthBox. Also, I have Blue Gold Flower that's used the same way. For the potted girls I use both normally.

I like their craft blend, so I don't see why those products shouldn't perform. Just make sure you find out how long it takes for it to be available.
It's funny how well things operate under that simple rule. Now it's , you can't join unless you advertise enough or have enough followers/likes.
true that...but there's almost always that one guy...........hated having to talk to them
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