These are 2 strains of bho gsc both on left and fast and vast heavyweight seeds I run the gsc about 10days ago and I'm smoking it in my Faithfull firefly 2 it rocks for concentrate s
Starting the weekend off with some recently pressed White n Bubbly x Blue Power f1 rosin.
View attachment 855747
This was pressed from sugar trim at low temps.

Good day all:cheers:
looks waxy AF bet its some tasty stuff your pics always get my mouth watering nothin better than some fresh rosin

DONT !!! FORGET !!! to head over to the guess the hash pile weight for festivas have a guess you could win some seeds !!!

ROLL up a fatty and head over to the best festivas joint comp post a entry to win some seeds !!!
afternoon dudes and chicks!!! Figured I would start this Friday right with some noice reclaim my buddy and I dubbed "Smelted Sunset". Consisting of a crapton of az wax, this has brands such as canamo, venom extracts, azcs, and a bunch of others I just forgot. Rockin my cute lil' banger hanger I picked up from Herb N Legends ( CHECK THEM OUT) sick glass company, based out here in Az. I like to give credit where credit is due, cheers fellas!