No problem @bushmasterar15, anytime.

I'm back in action ladies and gentlemen! Grabbed a new quartz banger from work. Time to break it in the right way. Lots of oil in quick succession. :goauto:


For you guys who use quartz nails/bangers, about how long do they seem to last?? I use mine MAYBE once a day for a few cycles, but days like yesterday and today, I use my handheld vape for my concentrate.. I think I've had mine for about 8-ish months and I clean it here and there, but that's usually doing a full heat cycle a couple times and then lightly brushing out the ashes and debris, followed by an Everclear flush to catch reclaim and then I rinse w/ isopropyl, then hot water.. Sounds like a lot, but oddly enough, the previous tenants left me no-kidding, an entire case of large bottles of 70% isopropyl, so I'm using it like it's going out of style!!! lol
This is my second. The first one was a few months old. Was just fine but it broke accidentally. I am pretty religious when it comes to heat cycling it out to make sure it's clean for the next one.

I also use a laser thermometer to check for heat. I try not to let it get past 1000 degrees f, I think that helps too. @GodAmJT

By the way, my rig sees A LOT of action. Probably close to 3/4 gram a day. It's not just me, wife and a friend usually.
For you guys who use quartz nails/bangers, about how long do they seem to last?? I use mine MAYBE once a day for a few cycles, but days like yesterday and today, I use my handheld vape for my concentrate.. I think I've had mine for about 8-ish months and I clean it here and there, but that's usually doing a full heat cycle a couple times and then lightly brushing out the ashes and debris, followed by an Everclear flush to catch reclaim and then I rinse w/ isopropyl, then hot water.. Sounds like a lot, but oddly enough, the previous tenants left me no-kidding, an entire case of large bottles of 70% isopropyl, so I'm using it like it's going out of style!!! lol
Hello amj I consider my self I a vet dabber besides having a weak torch lol thru the years many rigs nails banger domes buckets dab slabs have been lost but I learned what I like . In my opinion quarts bangers are they way to go or honey buckets not the drop in kind tho. I used to always go for a nail and dome but the ones I had cracked very fast within a week or two and I'd just keep replacing em cuz like $5 . Then I opted for a banger one day and that thing lasted me a year till I dropped it on the floor so now it's bangers for me lol. I mostly never clean any bangers usually if I'm not lazy I'll just torch up the banger till the black stuff burns. My other banger is like a week old . Also for taste I recommend glass or ceramic over metal nail or banger . Or for longevity and what have you a universal titanium nail..

Man I talk a lot lol
Hello amj I consider my self I a vet dabber besides having a weak torch lol thru the years many rigs nails banger domes buckets dab slabs have been lost but I learned what I like . In my opinion quarts bangers are they way to go or honey buckets not the drop in kind tho. I used to always go for a nail and dome but the ones I had cracked very fast within a week or two and I'd just keep replacing em cuz like $5 . Then I opted for a banger one day and that thing lasted me a year till I dropped it on the floor so now it's bangers for me lol. I mostly never clean any bangers usually if I'm not lazy I'll just torch up the banger till the black stuff burns. My other banger is like a week old . Also for taste I recommend glass or ceramic over metal nail or banger . Or for longevity and what have you a universal titanium nail..

Man I talk a lot lol

Talk away dude!!! I love getting advice from folks!!!! I'm still relatively new to dabs, but smoked bud for over 20yrs, so it's always a learning experience!!! lol I've had mine for almost 7 months and it seems to be holding on strong, but I just wasn't sure how well it cycles.. I don't think I'd ever get a nail again, unless it was a ceramic or quartz.. The banger hits fucking hard and I love it!!!!!