Broke out the press and smashed out a little Berry Bomb Auto and Grilled Cheese (photo) tonight. Auto's and photo's coexist as well on the dabber as they do in the grow space. :jointman:

@Ronin, something for you to take a look at!!! I got one on the way, I'll throw up a review in the vapeor thread.

$149.99USD to your door! No butane, no hot coil from a e-nail!
Feckin awesome thanks for posting it Bri!
I just went to buy one but 420 science don't ship to the UK just USA.
Vaporstore will ship but charge $199 plus shipping.
Both places don't have any stock either.
So I sent an Email to my preferred vape supplier in the UK and have asked them if they will be stocking them soon.
To be honest I would rather buy one in the UK as it is quicker delivery and is something goes wrong , so much easier to get it fixed/replaced etc.
All I I know is i want one too!
:slap:Slap inbound mate!
Feckin awesome thanks for posting it Bri!
I just went to buy one but 420 science don't ship to the UK just USA.
Vaporstore will ship but charge $199 plus shipping.
Both places don't have any stock either.
So I sent an Email to my preferred vape supplier in the UK and have asked them if they will be stocking them soon.
To be honest I would rather buy one in the UK as it is quicker delivery and is something goes wrong , so much easier to get it fixed/replaced etc.
All I I know is i want one too!
:slap:Slap inbound mate!
Would it kill you to know, that I have had mine for a 2 months and never opened the box or charged it yet?:rofl: I shit you not! I got a couple concentrate pens for Christmas and am using those as my daily drivers! I'll eventually get it out of the box, have new dab rig sitting right next to it.....still in the box!! Crazy eh?

Starting off the weekend proper with some Deep Blue C rosin from @mephisto Genetics.
View attachment 713914
This was pressed from sugar trim at low temps.

Good day all:cheers:
BEAUTIFUL Ronin! Gotta love it!:clapper: