Indoor Light question (is it to much?)

Yeah I had the oil radiator during the night and although it did work, it doesn't feel safe and it takes valuable space.

The humidity was perfect when I turned off the exhaust and opened up down and up. I ended on like 50+% under the hps and 60+% under the led.
The temperature was something like 22-23 under hps and only 17-18 under the led..
So another hps should definitely be enough.

The walls were wet, not sure if that could be a issue?
I only tried for like 2 hours. So I was thinking about maybe making the exhaust vent out for 10-15 min every 2 hours.

Walls being wet is definitely an issue I would say mate. Sounds like a lot of humidity at some point in time?
Walls being wet is definitely an issue I would say mate. Sounds like a lot of humidity at some point in time?
Yeah. That was during the test with only opening up top and bottom and no exhaust fan on. So.. I now have a humidity issue as well, hahaha