New Grower Let's Grow!! ER & DP Blue W/ LED and CFL 1st Grow

So just thought I'd share these. They're quite different from each other. I'm kind of going on my own a bit from these due to confusion and my stunted 24 day old DP ABB. I fed her today with FF GB and BB at 450ppm and 5.9 ph. She's only feeding once a week right now and last week she just got FF GB at about 200ish ppm.
Can anyone shed some light on these two charts and which one I should be using?
Peace :peace:
do ya one better... give you a specific setup for autos...

Originally Posted by John Mondello
what i mean is that not all autos are the same lol
I have been growing the same genetic line for over a year now
and they all seem like they really like my fert schedule.

This is what i doi break it down as follows

First off let me talk about what i use as ferts. I have a 4 part system that i use and most of this is in the brain so please bare with me as i share this one.

I use FF grow big (hydro formula) Tiger Bloom and then two tea variations. One is high in N for veg and the other is high in Phosphorus when its time to flower.
I apply these through out the grow. I use the FF to get it started.
then i move to the teas and then back to the FF and then back to the teas

So i break it down like this:
FF GB is 3Tbsp/1Gal for heavy feedings. So in my mind this is more than enough for our fave friends. So it states that 2tbsp/1gal is for normal feedings so i use this as my base number. After that i break it down into 1/4

at 7 days i start like this
Day 7 1/4 dose to a gal
Day 14 1/2 dose to a gal + 8oz of N rated tea
Day 21 1tbsp GB and then 1/4 of TB (bringing in the TB)
Day 28 1/2 TB + 8oz of Phosphorus rated tea
Day 35 1.5 tbsp TB to a gal
Day 41 2tbsp of TB and 8oz of Phosphorus rated tea
Then Flush till finish unless it needs something at the end.

I think that this is everything that i do like i said i am not sure as this is all in my head. If the plants demand more that i give more this is just something to go by. I usually do not swap in clean water feedings at all over the fert program. I just use the jug then its gone. Now if i start to see over feeding or lockouts ill flush.
But if i keep my water on point i never usually see a lock out or toxicity.

Hope this helps
I'd also add that you might wanna add about 2tablespoons of big bloom per feeding on out from about 14 days as it boosts yield drastically and improves plant health... mostly worm castings... which they love. also reccomend from day 21 1x or 2x a week, give 1 tsp epsom salts / gallon water and 1/2 tsp molasses per gllon... for calcium magnesium
You wouldn't want to give up those tea recipes would ya JM?
rofl.... yeah I hate sharing..... lol

actually, I'm not really sure what FD uses in his teas... I have a vermiculture setup I built here... (worm bin for composting)
I rcycle all my compost waste, and my parents too, to a worm bin.... I never reuse soil out of that as I found it gave me bug issues... but I found that I can make teas with no issues from it and the plants just explode in response to the teas.

so, check out vermiculture on youtube. or look in tips / tricks knowledge base... I think theres a thread there too on it.
I dont have 2 seperate bins yet for potassium phospho / Nitro... but it works fine throughout the grow... I usually tea once a week when i have time to go extract.

I use an old 3 gallon spring water Container with the spout on it... scoop a bunch of compo into it... set it on a table... and slowly pour water over it... and catch the runoff into a 5 gal bucket... then i bring it in... add 1 tsp molasses and bubble it for an hour or so (with an airstone and aquarium pump)... then ph it to on point... and feed.
My man!
Thanks again JM
I'm having PH issues with my hydro.
I changed the res at 5.8 ph and several hours later it jumped to 7 ph.
I brought it down to 6 and then overnight it's back up to 7 again...
Just brought it back down to 5.9 but I'm curious if this is normal or if something is wrong?
As it stands I'm adjusting it at least three times a day.
Doesn't seem right.
Please advise
Plugging along...
My 30 day old DP ABB is growing. She's a short one but seems to be hanging in there.
Still having trouble with yellowing on both my soil grows.
I used Muddy's ammonia spray on both of them for a bit more then a week and then I switched to just plain RO water misting a couple of days ago and the older (30 days) one seems to be less yellow.
Here are some pics of the soil grows.
Don't laugh...
DP ABB side Day30.jpgDP ABB top Day 30.jpgDP ABB 32oz Day 15.jpg
I'd love some input here on why this is a constant battle with the yellowing.
They're both being fed nutes now and have been for a while. Pretty down on soil right now...

Hydro grow- Day 13
I'd say 4 out of 6 are looking real good.
One of the ER's and one of the blueberry's may have to go but that's fine with me. It would create more room for the other girls.
Some of my roots are starting to hit the res finally, my 7" net pots are a lot bigger then I need and it's taking a while for the roots to travel through them.
Once all the roots hit the res I expect some rapid growth :D
Next hydro grow will be in buckets ala Seymour-Buds style...
My PH is starting to level out finally, I've been adjusting it three times a day but now I'm down to twice a day.
More pics
Hydro Day 13 all.jpgHydro close DP ABB Day 13.jpg

Any input good or bad would be greatly appreciated.