Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

Speaking of which...nice weather....high of 12C today and tonight is supposed to drop down to 5C. The girls have been out long enough now they can handle it. Zero worries. Might see a blast of frost potentially tomorrow morning...gonna be cool the next few days, by the looks of things.
I had a mold problem even with the loose budded one outdoors!! Keep that circulation rocking my friend!! You know buddy....there is not enough credit given to circulation in mold control. If you recall, I was having some issues in the stealth cabinet with the way i stack em like firewood...an addition of a 6" dual muffin fan blowing across the main cola has literally stopped mold in its tracks. Not a single speck since the addition.

I find this is interesting, and i bet you guys will find it interesting as well

Anyone want to help gofund a chopper for me? 4ML of tincture and a chopper sounds like a great time!! (I am thinking one of the bubble choppers like in M.A.S.H. :D)

got me thinking.........fan in the greenhouse this fall, totally doable, run it wee hours of the morn on still nights, when evil afoot, hehe
Oops...wrong thread!! :D UNless you just wanted to pop by my place, and show me your beauty! ;)

I was out at the partial sun garden doing some extreme training to keep the widowbomb concealed....measured her out and she is 42" wide now, tip to tip, standing less than 1 foot tall. I put in enough reverse supports to be able to manipulate her branches any way i want.

Widowbomb day 59so cool
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Critical +2.0 day 42
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Finally the crystal candy on day 48
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so cool, some nice clean mulch, straw might stand out too much, something to absorb raindrops before they explode mud. I've pinned photos to the ground in a totally growing season dry climate. Plants did good!
so cool, some nice clean mulch, straw might stand out too much, something to absorb raindrops before they explode mud. I've pinned photos to the ground in a totally growing season dry climate. Plants did good!

Though for now they are tied very closely to the ground, i will be only able to get away with that for so long before i run out of horizontal space, and need let them grow vertically. Straw was something i was certainly going to do for the autos that had a close proximity to the ground.
so cool, some nice clean mulch, straw might stand out too much, something to absorb raindrops before they explode mud. I've pinned photos to the ground in a totally growing season dry climate. Plants did good!

If i can keep them wrangled down for the next month, this years BB canes will get tall enough to provide stealth cover. They "should" be vigorous enough to totally put me back into stealth by the time flowering starts.(hopefully)
Day 64 for the older girls...got through some poor weather the last few days...no setbacks, only a bit of slowing of growth, light frost had no effect...2 days ago it was only a high of 15C and got to 4C in the early morning...yesterday was worse only getting to a high of 12 degrees and dropping to 5C early in the morning. Beautiful weather if you are attempting to grow icecubes!! :D Not so much for weed though....so now today...bright and sunny and supposed to get to 25C...thats better!! Despite the crappy weather plants doing well...this is the first time i have seen the girls in 3 days.

First the 3 Photo contest entries
DP Blueberry at day 62

Green Poison Fast at day 62

Eleven Roses at day 42

Bubba Island Kush at day 62

Forgot pic....looks like the rest pretty much...LOL

Delicious Fruity Chronic Juice day 62

DP Think Fast day 62

Dinafem Blue widow day 62

Sweet Green Poison day 42
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And the partial sun garden plants doing great!!

Widowbomb on day 62

Sweet Crystal Candy day 52

Dinafem Critical + 2.0 day 42

Ahhh yes...if you see a leaf that looks like this, pull off the infected area and unravel it.


And a surprise will come out!! About 1/4" in length, and already eating my leaves!! I pulled two of these little shits out today from the full sun garden. One was on the 11 roses,and the second was on the fruity chronic juice...hmmm....I am starting to think those strains might be Delicious!! ;)

And one last thing.....two plants were showing some colouring of purple from the frost yesterday, Bubba Island Kush and the Blueberry. No damage recorded, just some purple tips.