Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

Happy Birthday GS [emoji513][emoji481][emoji482]
May have many more.
It seems many people have B days this time of year...
Mine is today.[emoji297][emoji100][emoji100][emoji482]

Sent from my garden [emoji482][/QUOTE
Congrats and salutations for next life year!:cheers::pass:
Happy Birthday GS [emoji513][emoji481][emoji482]
May have many more.
It seems many people have B days this time of year...
Mine is today.[emoji297][emoji100][emoji100][emoji482]

Sent from my garden [emoji482]
Thanks bud!

Hey happy b-day to you bud!! Hope you have an awesome day full of weed and friends!!
@912GreenSkell, just dropped by to grab the cliff notes on what I have been missing. The HR buds look great.....very frosty! I can't tell that the density is not so good. Enjoy it, brother. I see that your Critical+2.0 is having a bit of an issue. I grew one out recently. I got it as a "freebie" from "The 'Tude". I didn't realize what I had, so no clones. :frowny: Have it in reveg right now. I almost lost it, but it is on the mend, and starting to show the weird little leaf clusters. I am real happy about that, because that is some really great smoke! I love lemons, and the pheno I've got has it in spades!!!! A couple pics for you.

Dinafem's Critical+2.0 Reveg


Last of the Critical Bud

Can you smell the lemons?:smiley1:
@912GreenSkell, just dropped by to grab the cliff notes on what I have been missing. The HR buds look great.....very frosty! I can't tell that the density is not so good. Enjoy it, brother. I see that your Critical+2.0 is having a bit of an issue. I grew one out recently. I got it as a "freebie" from "The 'Tude". I didn't realize what I had, so no clones. :frowny: Have it in reveg right now. I almost lost it, but it is on the mend, and starting to show the weird little leaf clusters. I am real happy about that, because that is some really great smoke! I love lemons, and the pheno I've got has it in spades!!!! A couple pics for you.

Dinafem's Critical+2.0 Reveg
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View attachment 906279

Last of the Critical Bud
View attachment 906280

Can you smell the lemons?:smiley1:

It even looks a bit like lemon with that light, light green!
Well i have been beating my body to piss this week. Still working like a maniac to get caught up with the late spring. Tons of hard work jobs like fencing repair, and yes, the garden!! Fence pulled out and ground has been turned over in the entire full sun garden including the expansion which will house a further 4 plants(so 8 total). I have another day of turning in the manure as finishing the fence and its official, I will be ready for plants as soon as the weather is stable enough!
As yes....so last year i noticed something on the Atomic. On the one side of the atomic bed the ground slopes quite heavily. And i was underneath her, and I happened to notice something...on the heavy slope the roots were all exposed and the slope was naturally air pruning the roots! I figured what the hell and am implementing this into several holes.

The plants - looking A-1 all around, well except for one. First thing is first the original batch of 8(4 destined for the partial sun garden and 4 destined for full sun)

The original 4 destined for the full sun are looking perfect. The green poison fast is leading the pack in size, followed by the fruity chronic juice and blueberry in size. Think fast is the smallest. Really looking forward to getting them out in the sun later this week. I am ready and so are they.

The 4 partial sun destined plants - Man, the blue widow, widowbomb and Bubba Island Kush are all growing perfect under 24 hours under the T5's. I was down looking at the garden expansion today....and you know what?? I do indeed have enough space in one of the holes to ditch one of the later started plants and grow a fifth monster instead!! Hmmmmm decisions, decisions, decisions!! Rather than destroy my mentality trying to figure out which one I should run, I am gonna do something insane....and let you guys pick my last entry!! So here is how its gonna work. Between Bubba Island Kush, Dinafem Blue widow, and Bomb Seeds WidowBomb, pick what you would like to see grown HUGE and to its fullest potential. Bubba is a brand new strain, but this is a second year rerun from Blue Widow and Widowbomb. Both are really fine toke for sure. The first strain to hit 10 will be run in the full sun garden and not the partial light garden!!

Start it off right now....
1 Bubba Island Kush (i am keen on this one because its a brand new strain....and Dptony told me this is some of the most psychologically heavy effects the DP test team has ever smoked)
2+3 Blue Widow and Widowbomb - both were really nice tokes last year. The widowbomb ran really well in the test garden with rock hard buds.

There we go!! +1 for Bubba Island Kush!! So lets hear your choice, and come help determine the fate of my grow!!

So wayyyyy back when(at the beginning of this post...LOL) I said one plant was not doing well. And that is the sweet seeds cream mandarin fast. Damn....pushed up the Megacrop to 2.5ml and she is nitrogen toxified to shit!! All other plants from the same batch looking great and taking the feed perfectly. So yeah Cream Mandarin Fast will be kicked out of full sun and put into the partial sun. The critical 2.0 that was rough from nightly heat seems to be doing fine now and is a day or two away from being topped. Crystal candy is now taking the nightly closet heat fine and has been topped. Eleven roses and Green Poison from that same batch are doing excellent under the LEDS(very minor heat stress on 11 roses i noticed this morning). Both of those should be topped with a couple of days as they are on their third true node now. Very full lush growth versus the t5 seedlings.
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