Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

:drool::drool::drool:.... line up the drool cups, Don Skelly is parading his women across our screens! :spels::spels::spels: --- :woody: .... they look juicy as hell my friend, the resin production is damn impressive... And the smell, fugeddaboutit! I love me some Grapefruit stank :biggrin:.... The density looks pretty good to me mate, if this is the Grapefruit (origins) I'm thinking of, it's a sativa dom', no Kush or other Indi' in there, so buds generally aren't going to be that solid,.. But they are going to dry stiff and surprisingly heavy with resins, I bet!... That open space just leaves plenty of room for the trich's to stretch out and fill to max capacity- :woohoo1:
:greenthumb: OD girls are fat and sassy Skelly! Beasts just waiting for the chains to come off -:amazon: :rofl: ... oh yeah, I forgot you have a Bubba Island in the mix- :thumbsup: ...gonna be keen on seeing how that one shows!

.... The fridge dry thing, why did you think it was a fail? Nothing will stop the stank from happening,... how long was it in there? Did it dry some? As mentioned at Rebels thread on this, I'm not sure what the actual RH% is in the fridge, most basic (digital) hygrometers don't work well when this cold,.. you could get an old school unit, maybe that will work better? And recall what I said about what the "R" in RH% means,...:biggrin:
:drool::drool::drool:.... line up the drool cups, Don Skelly is parading his women across our screens! :spels::spels::spels: --- :woody: .... they look juicy as hell my friend, the resin production is damn impressive... And the smell, fugeddaboutit! I love me some Grapefruit stank :biggrin:.... The density looks pretty good to me mate, if this is the Grapefruit (origins) I'm thinking of, it's a sativa dom', no Kush or other Indi' in there, so buds generally aren't going to be that solid,.. But they are going to dry stiff and surprisingly heavy with resins, I bet!... That open space just leaves plenty of room for the trich's to stretch out and fill to max capacity- :woohoo1:
:greenthumb: OD girls are fat and sassy Skelly! Beasts just waiting for the chains to come off -:amazon: :rofl: ... oh yeah, I forgot you have a Bubba Island in the mix- :thumbsup: ...gonna be keen on seeing how that one shows!

.... The fridge dry thing, why did you think it was a fail? Nothing will stop the stank from happening,... how long was it in there? Did it dry some? As mentioned at Rebels thread on this, I'm not sure what the actual RH% is in the fridge, most basic (digital) hygrometers don't work well when this cold,.. you could get an old school unit, maybe that will work better? And recall what I said about what the "R" in RH% means,...:biggrin:

SPG - Yeah they are actually drying out pretty well, and there might be a bit of density to the flower on the light feeder after all. All i know is they smell amazing and cant wait to get into some toke!!

OD - Yeah man they are doing just fine so far!! I too am very keen to see what the Bubba Island can do...kind of skimping her out giving her partial sun, but the bud will tell me what i need to know!!

Fridge - To me it was a fail, because the guy that told me about it, said the stink stays in the bud, and only a few buds were in the fridge and the whole room reeked. ;) Not quite the technique I was after. ;) Far less smell to deal with drying at room temp in double walled bags. It was drying out some for sure and it was in there 14 hours total. For those that don't mind a totally stinking fridge and the room in which the fridge resides, it might work great, but for me its a fail.
And off to the races with the photos!! Man are the ones under the LED's full time taking over!! Fruity Chronic Juice at day 40
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Green Poison fast day 40
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Blueberry now under the LEDs full time also day 40
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Think Fast also under the LEDs at day 40
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Still residing under the T5's the blue widow and Bubba Island Kush
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And finally last but not least on day 40 the widowbomb growing great on 4ml Green Leaf Megacrop.
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And the wee seedlings...had a bit of heat stress on a few...no big deal...critical + 2.0 took it the worst, and the slightly older sweet seeds crystal candy also doesn't like the heat caused from closing up the space at night. The 3 heat stressed plants at day 16(the crystal candy has had a rough go and is at day 20 something).
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Interesting that both the green poison and the eleven roses took the nightly heat just fine...they were both upgraded to the leds(which with only 2 lights running they should take it perfectly)
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rock n in the green world!
The experiment was an epic fail...i dont know if the guy that told me about the technique doesnt grow stinky weed or has something wrong with his nose.....but I check on the pot last night and as soon as i opened the milk fridge it was an instant wave to grapefruity weed stink. My wife woke me up this morning and says "Hey....for the life of me i couldn't figure out why the mud room reeked like weed, until i opened the fridge."
Experiment failed.
at least it wasn't in fridge long enough to get moldy:biggrin:
I have a mini wine fridge that we cure our homemade cheese in....I am soooooooooooooooo fucking lucky i didn't put the weed in there, or shit would have hit the fan!! ;) :D :D :D Grapefruit dank cheese anyone? :D

No idea about optimal RH and temp on a fridge dry. Maybe @Waira has some ideas on this?
cheese sounds good to me
Those bronze suckers(no idea of species, i am freshwater only) look like they would put up a fight!!
Yes they do fight! It is a redfish, a member of the drum family. They can get large, over 30 pounds offshore. The big ones don't eat as well as the smaller ones. 7 to 8 pounds are the bigger ones in the photos. The other fish is a speckled trout.
Yes they do fight! It is a redfish, a member of the drum family. They can get large, over 30 pounds offshore. The big ones don't eat as well as the smaller ones. 7 to 8 pounds are the bigger ones in the photos. The other fish is a speckled trout.

Cool....i have caught freshwater drum a few times...those things can brawl for sure!! Hmmm very different than our speckled trout(aka eastern brook trout)!!
Cool....i have caught freshwater drum a few times...those things can brawl for sure!! Hmmm very different than our speckled trout(aka eastern brook trout)!!
Wow GS that's a very impressive looking fish lots of beautiful color that one man that's awesome geez I can't wait to go fishing now I'm really jonesing man !!!

Sent from my garden [emoji482]