Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

Yes i am interested to see how it performs!! I will be watching the buds very closely. Will do cured buds scent profile comparisons, as well as side by side pic comparisons of both plants and both drying methods. If it works well, it would be more ideal than my drying in room temps(70F) with 25%Rh we deal with in the winter. That type of dry is always a challenge to get a perfect cure!!
I am dieing to know if it works and exactly what temperature and humidity your fridge is, cause my problem is the heat it can spike on my best harvest's so bad sometimes I just make almost everything into hash or coconut oil immediately because I know it's not going to be worth the crispy terpless outcome :(
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I am dieing to know if it works and exactly what temperature and humidity your fridge is, cause my problem is the heat it can spike on my best harvest's so bad sometimes I just make almost everything into hash or coconut oil immediately because I know it's not going be worth the crispy terpless outcome :(

I have been insanely busy and didnt get around to putting the first plant in the fridge, but i have split off a bunch from the second plant and its in the fridge. Be interesting to see if my wife notices and this experiment comes to a rapid close! :D

And the plant that will take part in the fridge experiment is the second Hyper Ryder harvested on day 66.....power grapefruit stink on this one!! Wowsa!! Again kind of loose buds, but again its all so crystal caked i trimmed everything for smoking.







And off to the races with the photos!! Man are the ones under the LED's full time taking over!! Fruity Chronic Juice at day 40

Green Poison fast day 40

Blueberry now under the LEDs full time also day 40

Think Fast also under the LEDs at day 40

Still residing under the T5's the blue widow and Bubba Island Kush

And finally last but not least on day 40 the widowbomb growing great on 4ml Green Leaf Megacrop.

And the wee seedlings...had a bit of heat stress on a few...no big deal...critical + 2.0 took it the worst, and the slightly older sweet seeds crystal candy also doesn't like the heat caused from closing up the space at night. The 3 heat stressed plants at day 16(the crystal candy has had a rough go and is at day 20 something).

Interesting that both the green poison and the eleven roses took the nightly heat just fine...they were both upgraded to the leds(which with only 2 lights running they should take it perfectly)
Definitely looks like it's got some good genetics. I've never shopped at seedstockers I'll have to look at that.

Sent from my garden [emoji482]

Just what i have seen, but their prices versus quality are amazing! Would expect nothing less from a sister company to Dutch Passion!!