Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

Thanks brother. I have also done Sensi's Northern Lights Auto. If you are an indica fan, it is pretty great smoke for the evening.......instantly relaxing, but a toke or 2 too many, and it will be the next morning. Also a cup winner and a big yielder :peace:

I grew some local NL#5 for around a decade back in the 90's....been a few years since i have had any!!

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Damn weather is totally messing with me!! We had some insane weather 2days ago....110km winds....and grrr it whipped up the surface of the big lake something fierce, which turned it into chocolate milk clarity....pike fishing today was errrmmmmm not so great, but we did have a great time anyways. I got 3 and my buddy got one. Biggest was only around 5 pounds or so, and we called it a day around 1pm. Tough fish in such murky water!! The water was oh so cold too!! 8 degrees celsius makes for some really inactive pike!!

Anyways...i grabbed a few pics of the day for you guys even though there was no fish worth getting pics of.

Top o' the morning to ya!!
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Trying out some shallow back water...nothing out of this nook!
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Groovy rock....many years we get some really nice fish off this rock...8 feet deep and broadleaf cabbage
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I thought a brawl was going to ensue between these rival bands of birds...artic tarns versus cormarrants !! Who will be the victor?? Only the gods know for sure!! :D :D :D
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Now a seagull entered the fray and flanked the cormmarants!! No fight happened while we were there....though I am certain a major brawl busted out the minute we turned the corner in the boat!! :D
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no nests or food around, guess nothing to fight about, today anyway
That was my biggest concern....I have a milk fridge for this test, which contains no other stuff in it beside bottled milk. Not sure i would do this test in a fridge with ample foods in it....though if you really think about it.....what is in your fridge that is not in a sealed container? Anything left out just dries up.

One of the first things i asked the guy was "Wont your food smell like weed?" and he said it doesn't, and for whatever reason the terps seem to stay in the bud. Who knows....this experiment might be stopped short....if my wife opens the fridge and gripes it reeks like weed. ;)
got me giggling, left over pizza weed
Thanks brother. Let me say that your neck of the woods are mighty beautiful! The lake pics look like a postcard. I am fortunate enough to have pretty great surroundings. We have a ton a farmland, but also mountains and beaches and a ton of lakes. Nature is the most amazing thing, and all around, but most don't even slow down enough to catch a glance. It is my escape from everything! O.K., enough of the zen shit.....thank you Bloody Skunk!

I posted a cloning tutorial a couple weeks back. I used Toxic Blue clones by CH9 seeds. I am going to journal that, but of course not here. Their Blue Lemon Thai was my first inside grow in 2012. The genetics were great, and the plant was BEAUTIFUL!!! I have pics that I posted later than 12', but they are on another site. The TB mother that my clones came from vegetates as fast as most autos that I've grown, and faster than some. She was one month behind everything in the flower cabinet when she went in, but she is the biggest thing in there. It shows more growth potential than anything that I have ever grown. As far as an auto journal, I will have you to thank for my first one 912, as I am waiting on my shipment from Seed Stockers as we speak!!!!!! I will be doing their Blackberry Gum as a journal. Thank you sooooooo much for that tip......best one I ever got! I just ordered 20 seeds for the price that I usually pay for 5 seeds at any other wholesaler! How do you get 4 times the seeds for the same price?! I saw @TaNg's BCN Critical XXL Auto grow, and they look great, as do all of his journals, but nice to see that their plants grow as described. That is not always the case, especially with auto breeders. The genetics sound great as well. Can't wait!

I am waiting for Seed Stockers':

BCN Critical XXL Auto (x6)
Blackberry Gum Auto (x6)
Big Bud Auto (x6)
Amnesia Auto (x2)
(Grand Total $57 for 20 seeds!!!!) I paid $60 just to be safe, plus $14 at the postal service for insurance and tracking. The $14 was my choice, not required.

I meant to add Sticky Monkey to the list, but I didn't remember before I sent off the mail. No problem, as I plan to spend at least $100 next month on their outdoor stock.

On another note, here are a few pics of one of my unexpected favorites for autos; Super Skunk Auto. They are listed as medium sized autos on Sensi Seeds website, but you be the judge. I have grown out 6 of these. The smallest was 3' tall. The tallest is at least 6', but I have the top 18" or so bent so it doesn't touch the lights. It is still on the go, barely in flower. The 2 smaller ones have blown me away with what looks to be 10-12oz between them. I think maybe 8-10 will be very possible from the 6 footer alone. We are talking only organics in amended coco coir. I only added Fish E, Silica and Cal/Mag to my rain water @500-600ppm max. In flower, I add molasses and a little extra (already in soil) omri rated potassium sulfate, still never going over 600ppm. I just shift the n-p-k levels around a bit.

Sensi Seeds Super Skunk

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I am 6' tall, 220 pounds......so I don't have baby hands!

The one on the right below just entered flowering stage, so the yield should be epic! We will see.

Super Skunk "SUPER AUTO"!!!
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Looking at my own pics, each of the smaller ones might be contenders. They are both over 120cm.That is pretty impressive for a "medium autoflower".

I am going to head on over to stoner chat in a bit to post some Bloody Skunk pics. The plant is not impressive at all, but that was completely grower error. The buds still turned out beautiful, and the smoke is very relaxing. :peace:
damn grobro, whata fist full!
And down she comes!! Day 64 and the first hyper ryder is harvested!! The smell...man oh man is it a nice citrus grapefruit for sure!! Dandy!! Not a whole lot of density..should have grown a strain I am familiar with using the megacrop, so i would know whether its the plant or the fertilizer. Still quite alot of bud though!! I trimmed everything, even the underformed lower buds. Mega crystal,every bud is gonna get smoked, loose or not!

trimmed...left the bud leaf attached.


Mega crystal indeed!!




Haha loving the leaf budlet!
And down she comes!! Day 64 and the first hyper ryder is harvested!! The smell...man oh man is it a nice citrus grapefruit for sure!! Dandy!! Not a whole lot of density..should have grown a strain I am familiar with using the megacrop, so i would know whether its the plant or the fertilizer. Still quite alot of bud though!! I trimmed everything, even the underformed lower buds. Mega crystal,every bud is gonna get smoked, loose or not!
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trimmed...left the bud leaf attached.
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Mega crystal indeed!!
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Haha loving the leaf budlet!
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D64 and all that goodness!
way to go Skells!