Outdoor Let the games begin : Season 4 DP, Dinafem, Sweet, Delicious

Sounds like a great plan!! Be here tomorrow? ;)

I just want to be a peaceful grower left alone to do my thing....but these bastards are driving me into a world of necessary violence that i want to be no part of. How many times do i need to go through this, until i finally snap??
I know it must be hard to see your crop stolen but remember you can't grow in jail!! Stay safe man.

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Sounds like a great plan!! Be here tomorrow? ;)

I just want to be a peaceful grower left alone to do my thing....but these bastards are driving me into a world of necessary violence that i want to be no part of. How many times do i need to go through this, until i finally snap??

Just checked ticket prices. I don't know your exact location but it takes more than 20 hours flight time to reach Canada and it costs easily close to $2K round trip. If I gotta beg to purchase $1000+ nutes and lights, I don't like my chances on this expenditure proposal to my wife..LOL.

"You wanna what? Spend $2k to go beat someone up that you might not even find?"

"Where's that divorce lawyer's number?"

But honestly, I'm really quite pissed! You are one of the first few ppl who cared enough to advice me on my grow. I'm eternally grateful and indebted! You mess with our Don, you mess with me! Just gotta make some money to make this threat even mean something...LOL

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The absolute worst part is if the fucker just knocked on your door and asked for seeds and grow lessons - he'd be set for life. I have no doubt you'd bend over backwards to help a fledgling grower.

Instead the bastard just ripped you off and will never learn anything but being a low life thief .

I hate humans
@912GreenSkell What about something like one of those Ring doorbell things that senses motion and let’s you see and communicate with people it senses. You could get video to give to police and let them know you’re calling the police and will be giving them the video if they don’t leave immediately? I mean, you’re legal.

How the heck do they even KNOW about your garden? Next year a 8’ deer fence with barb wire or razor wire on top sounds like a good idea. Or maybe a bear strength electric fence painted black so they don’t see it. Full charge.
That sucks ass big time man! :nono: Some people are absolute pricks. Myself, like a lot of others on here, wouldn't dare steal somebody else's hard work, just because we know how much time, energy and dedication goes into growing and nurturing our plants. And we would be devastated if it happened to us. Twice before I have come across other people's guerrilla grows out in the wild, and totally let them be, giving the person full respect for their endeavours and leaving their plants to be, untouched. It takes a proper low life individual to steal someone else's crop. It's got to be some little punk who has never grown a plant in his life, who probably got wind of your grow and tried his luck. Sorry to hear man.

Reminds me of my first year growing. It was late on in flower at the back end of October, and I was checking on my plants every day in the run up to harvest, and one evening as I got close to my plot, I immediately noticed 3 guys crouched around where my plants used to be, as I watched them trimming up the buds and loading them into boxes. They had already cut the plants down. I didn't dare confront them as I was only 17yo at the time. And because there was 3 of them. They all looked about 35yo. I was heartbroken and watched for about 10 minutes from a distance. I lost 4 plants and they had even took a haze plant that was still about 3 weeks off finishing. The bottom line is that there is always going to be pricks out there looking to profit off someone else's hard work. I suppose it's an unfortunate aspect of this game. I hope you manage to catch the little weasel if he comes back! You need to send a message to him. One that he won't forget.
I know it must be hard to see your crop stolen but remember you can't grow in jail!! Stay safe man.

Sent from my SM-J320ZN using Tapatalk

You are absolutely right man...saner heads will prevail. Its emotion that takes a hold sometimes and clouds judgment.

Can't you put up a camera and maybe get an idea of who is doing it?

I spent over $1000 on cameras and security to stop this in the full sun garden(and so far it worked. two guys showed up seen the IR and immediately left). I am planning on selling a whack of stuff on ebay to deck out the entire partial sun garden after this violation of my home and my rights. Problem is I am not a rich man by any means...it will take months of selling on ebay to get the grand i need. Next year. For now i am crossing fingers the 3 sirens i have placed don't cause me issues.(i know they will work...fully tested, but they are very sensitive)

Just checked ticket prices. I don't know your exact location but it takes more than 20 hours flight time to reach Canada and it costs easily close to $2K round trip. If I gotta beg to purchase $1000+ nutes and lights, I don't like my chances on this expenditure proposal to my wife..LOL.

"You wanna what? Spend $2k to go beat someone up that you might not even find?"

"Where's that divorce lawyer's number?"

But honestly, I'm really quite pissed! You are one of the first few ppl who cared enough to advice me on my grow. I'm eternally grateful and indebted! You mess with our Don, you mess with me! Just gotta make some money to make this threat even mean something...LOL

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Hahaha thanks man, i needed a good laugh.

The absolute worst part is if the fucker just knocked on your door and asked for seeds and grow lessons - he'd be set for life. I have no doubt you'd bend over backwards to help a fledgling grower.

Instead the bastard just ripped you off and will never learn anything but being a low life thief .

I hate humans

You are right man, all around.

@912GreenSkell What about something like one of those Ring doorbell things that senses motion and let’s you see and communicate with people it senses. You could get video to give to police and let them know you’re calling the police and will be giving them the video if they don’t leave immediately? I mean, you’re legal.

How the heck do they even KNOW about your garden? Next year a 8’ deer fence with barb wire or razor wire on top sounds like a good idea. Or maybe a bear strength electric fence painted black so they don’t see it. Full charge.

Full on security system next year. 8 or more night vision cameras, siren, motion sensors. I have had enough of this shit. I used to be a fence installer....problem is cost....materials are INSANE in cost here. Would cost thousands on materials alone to build a perimeter fence of 8 foot with razor wire. How do they know about the garden? I can't get into that question, lets just say that they didnt know about the partial sun garden until this year. Never lost a bud to thieves in over a decade of growing in that spot. I think these pricks scour yards and steal weed when they find it. And now I am the main target.

Skelly, man I guess it's good you let us be pissed. You got any trapper friend that would lend you a few traps?

That is such an insane no-no. Here if i trap someone i will go to jail even if i am in the legal right to grow. Trapping of grows is a huge no-no in the eyes of the law.
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